May Boosters Belie Masked Covid Cross-Species Transmission ? Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

May Boosters Belie Masked Covid Cross-Species Transmission ?

What comes next? Moderna and  Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson see shares
rising sky high, vile man, none the wiser, knows not end of story, despairs
of solutions to conquer a virus that has claimed over 5 million lives
while fifty times that - most desirous to shake long term symptoms, survives.

If after omicron another mutaition spreads from land to land,
Man, Goliath by one tenth a micron deleted, by bugs in a band
who'll trumpet their victory silent over pride which exploited the world -
first each other through methods most violent - then all Gaia, pollution unfurled.

Vaccination is no panacea but should win time for research to find
scope to cope with next outbreak Crimea, or Spain may uncover, defined
as cross species spillover, transmission to dogs, deer, sheep, cattle, bats, rats
that returns from the latter with mission to exterminate Man from Earth's stats.

What happens if whining mosquito sucks blood from wild boar on the run
or midge bites white-tailed deer con brio and the virus mutates from stun gun
to lethal disease re-infecting both jabbed and recalcitrant men
leaving women unscathed and electing to clone, or, again,

If one blood typo - O positive - counters mutations successfully, all
others succomb, retrospective regrets proving useless withal.
what then when time's out and deep tocsin sounds  for saints and sinners alike
will the anti-vax movement repent in gnashing of teeth for death spike?

Is pangolin, cave bat, 'made in China' to blame or is tale more complex?
the answer in South Carolina will challenge New York's, one expects.
But lessons hard learned in the battle with illness are often forgotten
when party political prattle long term needs supersedes with greed rotten.

Sixth storm surge, just two years in the making, shall submerge many anti-vax fools
playing Russian roulette while mistaking, both common-sense, logical, rules.
From  'bye Don' to Biden, votes counted, blind bigotry coming to grief,
covid challenge remainS unsurmounted, while billions, ill, pray for relief.

One should shutter fake news perpetrators, E-sellers of products unsound
as for masks, tests, protection? Testators bear witness to sceptics aground.
Manipulative misinformation can't fool all the folks all the time,
Fox News versus sanity station scarcely offers solutions sublime.

No job? No insurance? the set up seemed dandy when candy floss flowed,
but millions today have no backup and foodbanks become à la mode.
From 'Hi, Jack' to high-jack progressing to high-jump where Press spills the beans -
'de lay' of the land - dispossessing alternative options and schemes.

When the shit hits the fans all expressing embarrassment shuffle their teams,
pretence make withholding their blessing from slogans now split at the seams.
For pork-barrel measures some hanker, as politic platitudes please,
while they plunder play pleasant, say 'thank you' pre-empting folks' earnings with ease.

'Don't complain', they'll explain, in terms franker than frank, masking hidden disease, -
'but we'd rather believe in a banker with illicit intentions blood freeze,
than in funding research whose true payback may only grave crisis reveal,
as for 'climate change'? rather stock buyback than taxes that from the rich steal.'

Could impeachment have boosted House cleaning disinfecting fake news counterfeit,
anointing Trust, Ethics with meaning, winning time for town, city and State.  
Will Trumpery, banished to burnished  return after mid-term success
or can Biden succeed?  High stakes skirmish... from which virus may victory press.

Will Covid-19 sudden vanish swept under the carpet till swarm
of mutations emerge, set to banish humanity from Earth's platform.
From fake news with fervour folks famish for relief and return to truth's norm,
Facebook ads challenge facts, crackpots clannish must change tune or face plague hailstorm.

5 December 2021

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