Meditation Poem by Jeri Martindale


It's time to remember who you are, it' time to break the walls that built up between us and ourselves.

The voices constantly in my mind; don't worry friend the sounds come from my own everything, alright?

Inside burning, yurning to warm the whole world as I experience life; it's the most wonderful thing we have and must not be forgotten.

Do you see the candle light? Close your eyes come with me I will walk you through the abyss; let me show you what you missed.

How sexy am I? Do I now catch your eye? I have everything that everyone wants! Look into my Eyes; Hello, Goodbye!

Trying to be a light for everyone around me, my job now is to bring happiness to all those who love me and grow inside as I ride.

Here I go riding in my car, free my mind. Do you want to take a ride on one of those old roads in a new time? Explain to me, how it was this time.

It's time now, right now is the time to do anything! I want to experience as many things and people as I can, you would make them laugh so many crossing paths.

I want the world, to hold it in my hands; can and will you keep up my friend? You know its the clouds that I seek, just believe. I'll take you with me; very real only will seem as if it were a dream.

You love to dream! I can make you live a dream, only it will be real and so divine. One fulfilled to the utmost and warmed by the sunshine, extremely alive!

Can I say that word aloud? I've learned that's what it's all about; what you want in your heart, its always there no looking around.

Goodnight, goodbye to all I say. I'm experiencing all to see, exactly what belongs around me. I decide who will be there until the end, it's up to you however to assure your place beside me.

Here I go no strings attached, I'm letting go of everything at once. I'm questioning nothing that happens only learning my path in the aliveness of life, knowing that now is the time to shine.

I want to tell everyone about it! Closing your eyes, becoming high, escaping the mind as I write; tell me do you mind hearing these words of mine? I will be your friend until the end of time.

I will get stuck, I will get out, even if it takes a while. Strength lies within each soul; it takes many to get you through life. See all their beautiful faces? If you don't I can show them to you, no I am not faking!

I'm ready to spread my seeds, to see them grow along with me. I'll learn things excitedly, in the process planting a rose garden for all to see.

So many things to learn from them, so many things you can teach them, how can it ever be done with out seeking and realizing the knowledge that we hold within us? Can you reach it?

I vow to try my hardest to love as many people as I can during this lifetime, to look them in the eye so that they may see the person I am inside; and as they stare into my soul I speak to them each time.

Smiling as I wonder around, not lost, but listening for the sound of the next voice that will be calling out my name. Where will my path eventually lead? Uncertain, yet I follow it along; no more questions, lies, or fears. It is now time, so perfectly clear.


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