Missing Home Poem by Hazel Durham

Missing Home

Rating: 5.0

Where is her home,
Where is her heart,
Deep, so deep in the County Offaly countryside,
Just a large piece or part
Of her heart and soul missing
She is an old woman living in Dublin city

As she tries to survive in an old folks home,
She wants, she needs a walk through the fields alone,
But her arthritis stops her, kills her dream of going home,
She longs for her green fields and tall trees kissing,
No more feelings of being missing,
Dreaming of walking through her fields alone,

As her dear sisters and brothers are in heavens zone,
Their home is now missing,
But her green fields and tall trees are kissing,
With her excitement like a sweet breath of emotion,
Love wanders up the beautiful past of their driveway,
Like the sunshine after winter's chill in motion,

She sees her dear sisters and brothers laughing, running free,
In their land of rivers, green fields and tall trees,
Kissing with the impact of being free,
Comfort and joy singing from the trustworthy trees,
Of her childhood
Where they all ran free,

With the tall trees kissing,
No heart or soul missing.

Kumarmani Mahakul 27 October 2017

Just a large piece or part of her heart and soul missing in searching home and heart. She tries to survive. Missing home is so sad. Love is very sweet and love is beautiful. Love wanders up the beautiful past. You have excellently penned this poem. Brilliant expression is motivational....10

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Paul Hartal 27 October 2017

Is memory our real homeland? Thank you for sharing your poem. I enjoyed reading it.

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Feipeng Shang 07 November 2017

A wonderful poem about one's home sick, don't we all sometimes...

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Susan Williams 05 November 2017

You left tears in my eyes- - -that poor soul ripped from her beloved countryside and all those memories by arthritis by age........ We are all heading toward this if we live long enough [or is it live too long? ] She longs for her green fields and tall trees kissing, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -that is painting an image and an emotion with words, my dear Hazel, at which you have such undeniable talent. Thank you... even if you did make me cry :) 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Valsa George 03 November 2017

I experience a surge of sweet memories in me! We are made incapacitated either by bodily infirmities or geographical distances or some other reason to visit our native place and the sweet home there where we as children romped and played with our siblings. For many the old home may not be there, still its sweet memories hover over us. A beautiful nostalgic write! Thanks for sharing Hazel!

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Stephen Katona 01 November 2017

This is a beautiful poem. It felt like death freed her to be with her brothers and sisters again and once more run in green fields and watch trees bend overhead in the wind. So many of us become trapped by our bodies as we age. You've described a prison and loss that we all may have to face one day and our eventual freedom. I hope those caring for people in residential and nursing homes remember the residents were once young...

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Mihaela Pirjol 28 October 2017

This is such an evocative, heart-warming poem! The memories of childhood radiate from each image, and the last two verses completes it perfectly!

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