Mistakes Poem by David Harris


Rating: 5.0

Time is something we would all like to control;
with it, we could change the destinies of our lives.
We could go back to amend the mistakes we have made,
helping where we should have helped, but did not to our regret.
If we had the chance, would it make us better than we are today?
I doubt it very much, for we would never move forward.
We would still be learning,
or at least trying to learn from the first mistake we made.
Better, we move forward and learn to help others
not to make the same mistakes we made.

Tailor Bell 22 August 2007

if only history itself had memory to avoid past mistakes...then again? really enjoyed this work, David. although, it would be hard to resist making a few phone calls...9/10/2001 is a date that comes to mind. -Tailor

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x... x... 22 August 2007

Moving forward is a given but at the same time efforts must be made to not make the past mistakes, as mentioned in this poem, yet again...We're creatures of habit and unfortunately fall down many times before we get it right....At least a large amount of humans do. I think this poem has several important messages in it. You've written it in a way, that one can relate and think their way through. BRAVO, David.~~~~~~~~~marci.xox

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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