Mother Day Poem.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Mother Day Poem....

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We all together have been out on Mother Day
that´s why no poem nor photo the day before yesterday

so many presents from my beloved sons
from all three separately and yet one

I love Mother Day as it is
most often without catharsis

no cooking at all, all day long treating outside the house
just one day sans laptop and off the mouse

I am grateful to God and my spouse to be our sons´ Mother
every year and day they are present as none other(s)

Photography by Sylvia Frances Chan: One of the 10 Pink Roses
Bouquet as Mother Day Present from her second son.

Dutch Mother Day The Second SUNDAY in May Annually

Mother Day Poem....
Since we all together had been out yesterday,
that is Mother Day in the Netherlands,
that is the second Sunday in May

that´s why no poem nor photograph the day before yesterday
no one at home, we had been together out
walking, sight-seeing and finally of course our brunch
and finally at dinnertime our dinner together

yeah, all day long out
no regret that I have no poem yesterday
nothing to do, even no cooking at all
Mother Day for big mother or small

I am grateful to know and see my three sons again
Mother Day is for me like a loveliest Song without refrain
is like my heart is amidst a great bouquet of roses
is like our most beautiful photos without its poses....

On Mother Day I feel always blessed
like that princess with her zest....

Mother Day in The Netherlands
The SECOND SUNDAY in MAY annually

Photography by Sylvia Frances Chan:
One of the 10 Pink Roses Bouquet as Mother Day Present
from her second son.
Dr Dillip K Swain 14 May 2019

I am grateful to God and my spouse to be our sons´ Mother every year and day they are present as none other(s) ....sweet expression! A lovely poem.......10

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Thank you too for the 10. Very precious 10.

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Thank you so much for your pretty comments, Dillip. Appreciated very much. God´s Blessings be in Abundance for you and your beloved family. Amen.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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