Mother Earth Poem by Nosheen Irfan

Mother Earth

Rating: 4.3

Our mother earth
To see you weeping, my heart bursts
Look how harsh is the sun
On your naked land, stripped of verdure
Where forests are turning into cities
And look how black is the sea
Waste and chemicals pouring into it,
Marine life struggling to survive beneath
O man it's you who make her weep
You lay timber upon timber
A pile of wood you make
To cut into pieces, for your selfish sake
You hunt for fur
You kill for ivory
A mercenary, you sell your conscience
In the name of consumerism
You let smoke rise
From the large chimneys of death
You don't give a damn
How lungs fail, how eyes lose shine
Wake up before it's too late
Let your conscience speak
Loud and strong, let your voice be
'Save the earth'
'Save the Creation'

Mother Earth
Friday, April 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: day,earth,environment
Kumarmani Mahakul 23 November 2017

The pollution of earth, nature, air and water of sea has been astutely and touchingly inscribed in this poem. It is a best awareness poem amazingly shared.10

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Edward Kofi Louis 02 May 2016

With the wicked acts of mankind on earth. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Valsa George 22 April 2016

This kind of reckless destruction of the pristine beauty of Mother Earth pains every sensitive soul! If this indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources goes on unimpeded, there won't be anything left for the posterity! I too join you in your concern over the present plight of our once beautiful Earth!

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Barry Middleton 22 April 2016

Yes, the things we do to Mother Earth ought to be a crime - some of it is indeed criminal. I doubt it is an international story but the Flint Michigan poisonous water scandal just produced its first arrest.

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Kelly Kurt 22 April 2016

Although there are many who destroy this planet, the worst offenders are the 1%. We may be past the point of no return but we have to try to turn the damage around.

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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