My Cup Of Morning Tea – Poem by Raja Basu

My Cup Of Morning Tea –

Rating: 5.0

I start my morning every day with you
I taste you everyday, but still everyday I feel your taste to be brand new.

Whether it is your taste, your smell, your flavour
Everything is so beautiful, I have turned into your passionate lover.

A born lazy, I find it so hard to leave the bed in early morning
But the moment I remember you, I just jump out like a spring.

You boost up my energy and charge me up for the entire day
And that helps me to remain solid and steady come what may.

That day just becomes bitter for me which does not start with you
I will not even like a cup of nectar in lieu of you.

The day I do not get you in the morning I lose my sanity
You are my dearest friend, my cup of morning tea.

Reshma Ramesh 01 October 2008

very very nice............

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Ashraful Musaddeq 17 September 2008

Very simple and very beautiful poem on love. Last two lines are lovely- 'The day I do not get you in the morning I lose my sanity You are my dearest friend, my cup of morning tea.' 10++

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Preeti - is here! 23 May 2006

Lovely write about your passionate love 'tea' reminds me of my dad..he has to have tea..atleast 10 times a Preets

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Tracey Collins 17 May 2006

I truely agree, I have to have my morning tea, to wake up to the world.

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