My Faith Poem by Rose Marie Juan-austin

My Faith

Rating: 4.6

I love you
I believe in you
I adore you.

Like the wind that I could not see
Like the sun that I could not reach
Like the clouds that I could not touch.

Why do I follow you
Why I am afraid of you
Why do I depend on you?

My mind never doubted you
My heart never stopped loving you
My lips never denied you.

Now tell me
When this life is over
Will I ever
Be with you?

I believe in your promise
A promise of everlasting life
A life to be with my Father

Copyright 2020, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: faith
Bernard F. Asuncion 21 June 2020

A well inked spiritual poem. Simply uplifting...10++❤️❤️❤️

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

This most beautiful poem goes straight to MyPoemsList. A full 10+++++++++ and myriad 10's more. Most beautiful devotional I ever read in my life. The Beauty lies in the summing up of all embodiment of the poem I am short of words to value this loveliest Devotional I am touched very much by the words the great Poetess has uttered

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

2) I cite here your second stanza, dear Mrs. Juan Austin: Like the wind that I could not see Like the sun that I could not reach Like the clouds that I could not touch..................tru mesmerizing words. Never start to think about God's Wonderful World It is there for you and me to love, enjoy and have a peaceful inside I bow for your honest attitude towards The Invisible God, dearest friend

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

3) I cite here your third stanza: Why do I follow you Why I am afraid of you Why do I depend on you? ......................your heart is speaking here, why do you follow Him? Because you are a very intelligent person and you wish to know more, till you know anbout Him completest, Why are you afraid of Him? Have people or persons make you be afraid of Him when you're a kid? That's most of all the main reason, I can be wrong of course, but so goes my thoughts

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

4) The last line of your third stanza: Why do I depend on you? I must refer this to your first stanza, that is about your love for Him, you believe in Him this affectionate outing is a token of your great love for Him, one we love greatest, we wish eagerly to depend on....................A very honest question and so touching, this touched me the most

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Nabakishore Dash 20 May 2022

Very heart touching poem as well as wish.

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Shaun Cronick 04 July 2020

A beautiful poem, beautifully well-written by a world class poetess who knows how to write and deliver poems that are forever timeless and ethereal. A great poem Rose Marie and a full score 10++. And thank you for brightening up my evening with your poem of grace, light and beauty. Take care and I wish you well.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

7) The more we know Him, the more we grow in Him. I love your magnificent poem My Faith, I am sure the Lord is reading with us. And last but not least, your final stanza: I believe in your promise A promise of everlasting life A life to be with my Father Forever.....................I cannot say other different word than: Most Beautifully said and this touched my whole being, A very impressive devotional most beautiful.Thank you so much for sharing.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

6) He expects us to give our lives to Him, and in so doing, develop the character of Christ. God wants us to become more like Christ. We will grow in Him, if we accept the Lord Jesus who has died for us on Golgotha.Imagine His pains, how His Holy Mother Mria had wept in front of the cross. Dear Mrs. Juan Austin, I try to give the best response. Thinking and re-thinking about the question asked, as long as I have known God, He loves to see His faithful disciples again.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 27 June 2020

5) I cite here your next two amazing stanzas too: My mind never doubted you My heart never stopped loving you My lips never denied you. Now tell me When this life is over Will I ever Be with you? ..........................this gives me/the reader a warmest sphere. Exceptionally said. God expects us to accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our Saviour.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin

Rose Marie Juan-austin

Laoag City, Philippines
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