My Teacher Poem by Tirupathi Chandrupatla

My Teacher

Rating: 5.0

Knowledge and values
You bestowed in me
Have turned into
My life's treasures.

To impart wisdom
and implant good behaviour
Were always your motives
And you motivated me always.

You showed the right path
For my wandering mind
And without my knowing
I grew up to be productive.

In all things I do
I find traces of your intent
To your selfless ways
My teacher, I bow with respect.

Sunday, September 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: teacher
Valsa George 11 September 2017

A great tribute to your teacher! Yes, let us remember our teachers who directed our path through right channels and showed us the light of knowledge with gratitude! Let us be proud that both of us are teachers!

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 03 September 2017

In all things I do I find traces of your intent To your selfless ways My teacher, I bow with respect. Teachers to be discovered and rediscovered again and again in life. A very nice poem shared. 10+

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Kumarmani Mahakul 03 September 2017

A marvellous poem on Teacher it is. The good qualities that a teacher should posses have been nicely and toucingly portrayed. He is the implanter of knowledge, and values. We must honour him for his selfless gifts. Dear Tirupati Sir, it is one of the best poem in your pen that I appreciate much. Full vote.

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Sarah Persson 03 September 2017

This is a wonderful poem about your teacher, not enought people pay their respects to their teachers and you remind us that we should. I hope your teacher reads your poetry, the pridewill be felt. Very nicely penned poem Tirupathi.

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