My Worst Enemy Poem by Jessica Elizondo

My Worst Enemy

Rating: 3.5

My worst enemy is so cruel
She tears me down when I'm happy
Oh, how I hate her.

My worst enemy looks at me and calls me ugly
Right infront of my face!
She calls me stupid, and puts me in a dark place.

She tricks me some times
And I know I shouldn't trust her.
She says I'm her friend but then she stabs me in the back.

My worst enemy tries to get me to do the bad things.
The bad things I know I'm not suppose to do.
My worst enemy makes me betray my God and for that I hate her.

I swear sometimes I just wanna punch her in the face
even though shes done worse to me.
I hate her so much and wish she would just go
and away and stay out of my life.

She makes me feel worthless
and she makes me jealous
She has this power over me that I can't break.

But I'm saying right here and now that it's over
and my so called 'friend' is no longer a part of my life.
I'm so much stronger without her near me.

I hate her so much
And I'm so happy now that shes gone.
But What I really hated about her
and this I really regret and dispise

Is that she shared the same name and looked through the same eyes.


Jeez girly I was ready to come and demand this girls name and address so I can show her some justice...But then I read the botton sentence and I realized what you were really trying to say....Dont sell yourself short...your a really good person! ! And your writing proves that you have more to offer! ! >....

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Serenity Prayer 23 June 2008

its very true. the one who judges us the worst is ourselves. interesting isnt it? we are the only one that can either tear ourselves down or build ourselves up. great poem. awesome job.

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