Colette Dright Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Let Me

Let me cook, iron and clean
Let me explore, let me dream
Let me kiss and comfort you
Let me do just what I do


How much in our life do we copy/paste and what is the effect of it?
You can copy/paste pictures, my energy, my attitude, my emotions, my spiritual growth… but what is it about copying?
You have the choice in life what you choose to copy and paste if any.


Today I saw an owl
Or did he see me?
For I looked outside the window
And saw him sitting in a tree

God Is Not Lost, You Are

I've heard people say they "Found God"
You didn't find God, because God was never lost
You say, you lost your wallet, or you lost your keys…
You didn't lose your keys, you misplaced your keys


Relationships start off like oh so right
Making love damn near every single night
Dancing, the movies, going out bowling
Cracking so many jokes, I'm on the floor rolling

I'm Dreaming Of A Right Christmas

Welcome to December. A joyful, jolly month. A month of happiness, beautiful lights, decorations, positive vibes, excitement, gift giving, peace on earth and love. Yes, this is the right time and this is the right season. A season of endings, out with the old and beginnings, in with the new. End the year strong and begin the new year even stronger.

I have decided the gift to myself this Christmas is to start doing right, not just in some areas, but in every area of my life. And how I will do that is to maintain a right attitude, stay on the right path with the right frame of mind, right my wrongs, have the right perspective and outlook on life, live right, eat right and do what is right by God.

Who Remember The 'good Ole Days? '

Only the Real old G's will remember.
All of these old movies are from back in the day.
Some of you will remember and some of you won't have a clue of what I am talking about.
Let's go down memory lane. Think back, reflect and smile if you remember watching any of these on tv. Yeah, let's remember the 'Good Ole Days.'

I Am Woman

I am woman… not just today, but every day.

I am courageous, I am creative, I am beautiful…
I am strong, I am independent, I am vivacious…


What is happiness - It can be a mood, feeling, emotion, thought, desire... you fill in the blank.
What makes you happy?
Love, money, peace, great health, wealth, people, a person, self, a house, car, designer clothes, time, communication, freedom, nothing...

Phone Patrol

Oh, so you the new Patrol Officer now huh? Here comes Phone Patrol, the phone patrol officer who wants to roll, scroll and patrol through their mate's phone. All of yall know one, heard of one, hell, yall might even be one.

You wanna look at their recent call log, call numbers back, look through their pictures and definitely wanna read their text.
But why? Is it insecurity, lack of trust, jealousy, guilt… What?

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