November 2018's Showcase …[ Bri's Display Of Poems By Poem Hunter Poets This Time (Again)featuring Poets Of Indian Subcontinent ] Poem by Bri Edwards

November 2018's Showcase …[ Bri's Display Of Poems By Poem Hunter Poets This Time (Again)featuring Poets Of Indian Subcontinent ]

In a vast land, a vast population offers these:
Visions of Flying; Rape; Relationship-Unease;
and more, so as to, your poetic-taste buds tease.

As I know American English..[ I'm " born and bred " ],
and strive to grasp poem meanings in my head,
it's ‘proper-English' which I try to display,
.. though many speakers in U.S. don't talk that way.

Some poems get altered at my (Bri's)‘behest'.
Some I ‘correct' on my own so as to not suggest...
to readers an odd spelling, a missing apostrophe,
or another error/typo. I never, ever, charge a fee!

And yet, I still let some ‘improperness' get by,
and someday I may just let ‘improperness' fly
out the Poetic Window to fly in a Poetic breeze.
But then 'proper-English'-poets may gasp: "Jeez! "

(October …9th ….2018)

The remainder of the showcase, containing author names, titles of poems, and poem texts, shall/will be finished later, ‘my Muse and body willing'! ! ! Maybe the above will whet your poetic appetite?

Friday, October 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poems,poetry,poets
if you don't know my showcase story, feel free to ask, OR look at somepreviously-submitted ones.many are still active in my list of PH poems for your perusal; search for....'Showcase', by Month and Year.some i've still got IN PH, but i've 'deactivated' them.
Bri Edwards 01 October 2023

HEY! Duh, did I NOT include the poems by others? ? Well, maybe they are in a 2nd showcase 'containing' 'Indian-poet' poems. I hope so. : ) bri

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Oliver Ovid 19 October 2018

I'm impressed you knew it was whet.

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Bri Edwards 01 October 2023

Get real, Oliver! ! ! Or maybe your comment was a joke? If, .....Good one, Oliver! ! : ) bri

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success