Oblivion Poem by Jessie Redmon Fauset


Rating: 4.2

I hope when I am dead that I shall lie
In some deserted grave--I cannot tell you why,
But I should like to sleep in some neglected spot
Unknown to every one, by every one forgot.

There lying I should taste with my dead breath
The utter lack of life, the fullest sense of death;
And I should never hear the note of jealousy or hate,
The tribute paid by passersby to tombs of state.

To me would never penetrate the prayers and tears
That futilely bring torture to dead and dying ears;
There I should lie annihilate and my dead heart would bless
Oblivion--the shroud and envelope of happiness.

Bill Upton 29 October 2015

A much different take on the feeling of death. It seems you would want to just leave behind all the madness when it is time. It is a forlorn message, but there is room for forlorn. Quite an interesting take! Kudos.

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Edward Kofi Louis 29 October 2015

Death is for all of us. Nice piece.

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Latha Govindasamy 24 June 2016

A man or a woman wanting to get relief of tears and sorrows seeking to the death as it Would give ultimate relief is the belief. But God has placed the soul between births and deaths So it may be difficult to imagine what does happen to the soul after death, is highly subjective. Appreciate for the imaginative power behind this poem. Very good one!

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Deep in slumber five feet beneath That is all in death we seek Free of smiles, free of tears And of the past or future fears...... Great poem madam...looking forward to more.....

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Khairul Ahsan 24 June 2016

Loved your four lines, really nice!

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the girl in school 30 April 2019

I don't necessarily agree with the author, as I believe in a life after death and that this life as an ultimate and higher purpose behind it, but I like how the poem is composed, and yes it will be nice to have some peace and silence from this world after we part. :)

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his friend 28 February 2018

really asante you are so bAD AND oroshi naruto rasengan

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asante 27 February 2018

this poem deep very deep

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Khairul Ahsan 24 June 2016

Sad, somber thoughts on life after death- 'The utter lack of life, the fullest sense of death'. The poet's imagination and expression is amazingly touchy: 'The utter lack of life, the fullest sense of death'.... and also, 'And I should never hear the note of jealousy or hate, The tribute paid by passersby to tombs of state'... excellent! The title of the poem is quite appropriate.

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Amar Agarwala 24 June 2016

A nicely composed poetry on death and beyond.

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Jessie Redmon Fauset

Jessie Redmon Fauset

Camden County, New Jersey
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