These plump lips require soft embraces to wrap around.
They possess a seductive quality
that can captivate anyone temporarily.
they are not lips that can be easily tamed.
They do not appreciate being restrained,
these lips have never been oppressed
and express themselves freely,
they are liberated from constraints,
these lips have a savory taste
that can also reveal bitterness.
I have witnessed them speak candidly
and even catch people off guard.
'Lips' I never thought so much about it but now I think about it deeply.
What lips utter, heart may not dare to! Such is the fate of lips, brazenness embodied… nice
Lips are such an attractive and functional part of our body. I appreciate the poetic recognition that comes from your own lips!
Like fragrance in the breeze, words carry the touches of lips.... Beautifully penned one...Congrats!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Power of lips can never be under estimated.