Odyssey-The African Elephant Poem by Loke Kok yee

Odyssey-The African Elephant

Rating: 5.0

A rifle cracked, a wisp of smoke, then a searing pain
A futile charge, then throes of death, in the open plains

He landed on the dusty ground as heaven was closing her gates
A bloodied mess of new born life, standing in an ungainly gait
The smell of fresh blood wafted far and soon predators hovered near
But the matriarch and the rest, firmly protected without fear
Dawn came, ending a fretful night, the new-born savoring the morn
Nearly two years he was carried and he was his mother's first-born
Thus, started the epic journey of this noble and mighty beast
From the forest to the marshes; and the Savannah to the east

His first migration came early when the rains disclaimed the grassland
Lakes vaporized into mud holes while rivers became roads of sand
Each day in the search for water, each day a tragedy on call
As hungry predators trailed them, the calves would be the first to fall
With an experienced matriarch, their journey's end was safely reached
The calf had survived his first trip, his first obstacle had been breached
The third migration saw him weaned and his tusk beginning to show
A fine young bull in the making as he learned all there was to know

His standing was soon established and he was the pride of the herd
A formidable protector, for predators to be deterred
He was now sexually matured and his aggressiveness increased
Now and then displaying violence, as his lust sought to be released
The matriarch, warier now, decided that his time had come
Banished him to the wilderness as he became more worrisome
Although with no enemies known, his wanderings were filled with strife
As he learned to be on his own in the last chapter of his life

His treks around now carried him to unfamiliar terrain
As he met up with others just like him, a friend was sometimes gained
If they were in a state of musth, only then would he keep away
But when his own loins burned with lust; his mighty tusks would win the day
There was nothing to threaten him, except for poachers on the prowl
Even a pride of lions near, would let him by without a growl
During the drought the day arrived, when hunters stalked him for his tusks
The wind blew right as they closed in, with a chance just before dusk

A rifle cracked, a wisp of smoke, then a searing pain
A futile charge, then throes of death, in the open plains

Odyssey-The African Elephant
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Simone Inez Harriman 02 July 2017

Another stunning write Loke. I was totally enthralled from beginning to end on this mighty elephants plight and tragic ending.10+

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Loke Kok Yee 05 July 2017

The realities of life in the bush can be very tragic, such is the way of nature. Thanks Simone

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Bharati Nayak 26 June 2017

Falling to the bullets of greedy poachers these giant tuskers- - The one who could cross such huge obstacles thrown by nature and survived lastly loses the battle against man, the dangerous civilized animal- - Very poignantly written poem about the African elephants and the threat to their survival.

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Loke Kok Yee 28 June 2017

Your reading and comments are much appreciated; perhaps I should write more poems like this! Thanks Bharati.

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Elephants are such colossal animals, majestic and powerful! A rifle cracked, a wisp of smoke, then a searing pain A futile charge, then throes of death, in the open plains A very sad episode here! The African elephants look different from Indian elephants. The ears are very large. In Kerala, the elephants are revered and are a part of temple rituals. A vote as big as the elephant. :)

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Loke Kok Yee 28 June 2017

Glad you like it, gives me some confidence! Thanks Geeta.

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Valsa George 25 June 2017

Sad is his end....! The thoughtless poachers driven by avarice put an end to the victorious odyssey of this mighty tusker! His migration in search of water and grass lands is beautifully portrayed. Life is hard for him, yet his survival instinct wins over all adversities. Enjoyed this beautiful poem on an uncommon topic! A mighty 10

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Loke Kok Yee 28 June 2017

Thank you Valsa, This is a new approach which I'm trying out but not sure if it is any good!

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