Simone Harriman

Simone Harriman Poems

For one salubrious season
Bush tempered
And human nurtured
I rose red

Your last breath
Held mine ransomed
Cradled in my arms
I watch life slip

I observe you as you work
Kaleidoscopic parts of you
Examining and charting
Lost islands and causes

Zealot, I hear your heart is lost to them
Death resides in your hateful opinions
With toxic blame and killing floor speeches
Switchblade slick words that flick swift to murder

Poverty, inequality, oppression
Seething they swarm
In military fashion

Hiss-spit shhh…..
There's a secret to tell
A soul to judge

I know you will wait for me
My old feline companion
Our spirits will meet
Under bluer skies

Far away from a familiar reality
In some recurring nightmare
Of paralyzing inertia
My mind empties its armoires

Oh ancient youth crowned in glory
Bronzed and symbolic of victory
You were looted and lost in the Adriatic sea
And drawn from the depths of antiquity

In a gunshot second
A swift nurse swoops in
An authoritative swish of curtains
A rapid set of neuro observations

Eve, you're an internet queen
A magnetic hard drive
Considered in network locations
The motherboard of all blonde bombs

Coolly capering
In his coronary artery
She surges in the vein
With blood pulsing in the dark

Sun Man
I lie angry in tall grasses
Consorting with your enemy
Red Ant tribe

Tutamoe, mystic magma is gone
Relinquishing fire that still sears your heart
Your flanks sing of saws your valleys dwell on
And ploughs deep your heavy brow in your hearth


Igniting an intense heat
He melts through her firewall

Cautiously his flames scorch

I've come a long way after the 'Big Bang'
I am more so incredibly complex.
Crawling out from bland primordial soup,
I'm tree swinging in green leafed canopies.

From a grave sermon of Winter morn
Round belly full of secrets deep
Spring arrived sparkling and veiled in dawn
Hair in hedges, tangled wild from sleep

How could the stars betray me?
To orchestrate love this way
A cruel cupid caper?
How can I ever mend

Deep inside a convoluted portal
My iron pericardium departs
Hornpipes blowing and piston rods pumping
As cave walls release a grieving clans heart

Door slams on your side of the fault line
All self-control has abdicated
Having visited perfumed gardens
Delta vintage lingers on your lips

Simone Harriman Biography

New Zealand is my native country.I was born in Christchurch, in the South Island and now reside in the heart of Northland. I live with my husband in a serene valley with her mountain, her trees, her streams, and green fields.I am a quiet reflective person. Poetry is carved deep in my soul and keeps me breathing on a healing journey. My career, nursing has greatly influenced my pen, sharing her rich ink with my past. I often write dark poetry. However, my muse tends to write itself many times slipping in the shoes and reflecting from the eyes of other people's lives and their experiences. Therefore much of my poetry is not an accurate account or true depiction of my life.)

The Best Poem Of Simone Harriman

Crown Of Thorns

For one salubrious season
Bush tempered
And human nurtured
I rose red
Unearthed and shaken
By my unfolding

I recover restless
Budding and blooming
From that hooded promise
I laundered my spirit
High and haughty
Above all the thorns

But wait

A reaper's gloved hands
Are hacking
A personal fable
Is fading
A Perspex dream
Is shattering
As secateurs blades
Yawn gleaming
Surgically cutting candy

A coronet of crimson
Crowned with thorns
On shrouded-laden tables
Less arrogant
Less celebrated
A withering, wilted fate
Midst flat white champagne,
Ticker tape and cake

Simone Harriman Comments

Loke Kok Yee 06 February 2016

Your friendship is like Kipling's The Thousandth Man When I am down and out, on you I depend. Friends like you will stay around tho' weather's foul Like Kipling's Thousandth Man, a true friend I found From a grateful heart came these few simple lines Your kind comments been keeping my site alive When the rain's gone and the sun again shines bright Your lovely poems I will read through the night Many thanks, Loke Kok Yee

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Pamela Sinicrope 28 May 2016

SImone is a thoughtful and insightful poet. I've enjoyed reading her poetry. It always gives me pause. There's much to think about as far as the content of the writing and the writing itself. ...and I always appreciate her supportive and well-considered commentary. Lots of WOW moments here. :)

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Lynn Petty 30 April 2017

Dear Simone, I have just read your poem about your kitten. I am beyond words to tell you how much I enjoyed this beautiful work. There are some passages that brought me to tears. Through those words I was lifted to a new ream of beauty. Bri sent me your poem and I am much obliged. Lynn W. Petty

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Adeline Foster 25 September 2016

May I add my encouragement that you too may enjoy many years of lovely poetry. Read mine - Brush Strokes - Adeline

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Sochukwu Ivye 09 December 2023

Simone Harriman breathes life into words, carving poetry influenced by her nursing career and the hues of her past. Her quiet reflection finds expression in dark poetry, gracefully embracing the diverse landscapes of human experiences through her muse.

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Bri Edwards 14 August 2022

Today I submittee a poem entitled Simone Harriman's Poem, My Big Fat Hairy Feet From The Shire....[ About A Poem By Simone Harriman, Not By Me, Bri ]

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 October 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets, Poem Hunter Family and our Mahakul family a title of honour is offered to poetess Simone Inez Harriman born on 03/05/1959 in Northland, New Zealand as, Golden Rose. From today on-wards she will be known as Golden Rose Simone Inez Harriman. This title is offered due her long term service to mankind and literary perseverance. We hope all poets and visitors will accept this.

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Loke Kok Yee 07 January 2018

A poetess, a level above the rest Her poems, are a pleasure to digest Her dreams, take you on a fantasy ride With eloquence and wisdom alongside

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Valsa George 30 August 2017

Simone Inez Harriman is a poet of great depth! Her poems have many layers of meaning that with one single reading, the meaning cannot be fully exhausted. Some of her poems demand many readings and each time we peruse them, we get a new insight! She is not a prolific writer, but it is not the number but the quality of her poems that makes her an outstanding writer! Above everything, she is a lovely soul with a humane attitude and a universal outlook on life! I wish her all the Best in life as a person and as a poet!

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Simone Harriman Quotes

'In your realm tears will not fall in battle When your heart opens and hearth welcomes Peace will fly with new wings And war will be homeless'

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