Of Pm Justin Trudeau And The Books By The Bronte Sisters Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Of Pm Justin Trudeau And The Books By The Bronte Sisters

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Of PM Justin Trudeau and the books by the Bronte sisters
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Strategy is what I am hoping will woo PM Justin Trudeau's approval
Of my literary and artistic endeavours
So I can be published and paid and funded and hence, I hit upon a master plan
Which is to liken his remarkable political life to a quote each from the book each by the Bronte sisters;

Is this checkmate, Providence, or do I win the chess game
Is anybody's guess for he is unfathomable
In his evaluation of my work
And I wish that I knew his entire course list
So I could hope to win his approval;

But my instinct says I ain't doing badly
And I looked up Goodreads on the internet and chose three quotes
From Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, I chose:
A beauty neither of fine colour nor long eyelash, nor penciled brow, but of meaning, of movement, of radiance.";
Obviously, Charlotte Bronte meant this to be about a woman
And I am a feminist who sees the PM as a feminist
Who would not object to this analogy
And I say that Justin Trudeau's undoubted good looks, to me,
Outshone his brilliant performance in the Canadian Elections 2015
However, almost 5 years after his historic victory and after his re-election in 2019,
I am of the opinion that he has excelled as a PM
And his unruly curls have straightened out a little
And he looks like a distinguished PM who adds profound meaning to his statements,
And he taking the knee in the protests against police brutality AND racism towards blacks and people of visible minorities
Meant that he, as a white man, was pointing out that the system is flawed
And he will do everything in his power to correct it
And he glows with the radiance of power and not beauty anymore to me;

From Anne Bronte's Agnes Gray, I chose this quote:
"Reading is my favourite occupation, when I have leisure for it and books to read."
For I have read in The Globe and Mail that PM Justin Trudeau still makes time for reading books
And I, although I have a sneaking suspicion that of course, he has not read all that I have out there,
Has been evaluating me fairly, but strictly,
Do I make an A plus, PM Trudeau?
And although I enjoyed Stephen King's Misery, we share different tastes
For horror scares me
But I must try some of the books he has on his list of favourites;

From Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, I chose:
"It was not the thorn bending to the honeysuckles, but the honeysuckles embracing the thorn."
On as aside, I must rejoice in the fact that our rose plant has a bud at last
And I let out a whoop of delight at the sight
And honeysuckles do grow in our hedge as do brambles in two patches,
And PM Justin Trudeau, not gaining a majority in Election 2019,
Did embrace the thorns in his side, The opposition party,
But a rose does have thorns
Unless you buy it at the florist.

Of Pm Justin Trudeau And The Books By The Bronte Sisters
Mahtab Bangalee 03 July 2020


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