On Seeing Her Picture As A Young Woman Poem by Glen Kappy

On Seeing Her Picture As A Young Woman

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Like her image
washed away

like it
drying out
to dust
and blown away

like it
lit by flame
then curling
till it's ash

so with her
and all of us.

At the image of her then—
an ache.

At her condition now—
another ache—

for this beauty
so soon gone

that is buried
or scattered

or whirls
till down it disappears—

for the spinning
that stops for none

and makes us reckon
with our focus.

Sunday, December 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,change,human condition,image,letting go,photograph,time
Valsa George 25 July 2017

As years slide by, changes come over mind and body! Beauty fades, still lie us believe that all is not lost!

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Glen Kappy 25 July 2017

i'm glad that so far at least my mind, spirit, soul, see more beauty- beauty that is not, as the common expression goes, merely skin deep. it's sad to encounter people who have invested so much in the outer and try to cling to it even as it slips from them. girard manley hopkins has a poem on this i like, st. winifred's well. thank you reading and commenting, valsa. -glen

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Laurie Van Der Hart 27 December 2016

Such a clever parallel! Another sad one, but true. I ache, therefore I am = the human condition. And yet, remember these words: Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor. A foregleam of things to come.

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Glen Kappy 27 December 2016

thank you for commenting, laurie. and add, they shall renew their youth and mount up with wings like the eagle's. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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