One In A Million Poem by ROOP REKHA BHASKAR

One In A Million

Rating: 4.6

The plant grew in all its glory
To spell its splendid story..

In baited breath it waited,
To see the bud bloom,
From its pinkish plume.

It sprung out - bright and red;
And cherrily said
“Mama I'm here, I'm here,
This garden is so cozy, so dear”
All too soon...

Tender hands reached down to pluck,
To take this flower
From its mother's bower.

“I want to stay- To stay”
mother had nothing to say
'stop! ' or 'Let go the strings? '
Cut the binding rings? ”

“Would you stay clinging, to my roots?
Or courageously start your own shoots?
“Would you be a Dandylion?
Or dare to be - One in a million!

The little flower looked up - smiled and said
“No matter what -No matter where.
Maybe sometimes, I feel unfair
I'm going to see the world and share
Bold, Courageous- I dare!

'Cause my mother let go..
For me the world to know..
Yet hold on to those hands
When trouble on me lands.

I've grown, Solid and Strong;
Today I know Right from Wrong;
Successful! I stand -Complete
With a smile all I – Greet.
Proud and Victorious
Smiling and Joyous
I am
One – In a Million

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: daughter
after 15 years of staying with her parents, my daughter went to stay in a hostel. Being a very upright and selfless girl, she was finding it difficult to put up with various issues at the hostel. At such times, its always the mother who knows and hears her daughter; even though thousand of miles separated us and she never spoke of it. I wrote it to support her, to boost her morale and show that she is brave. It turned out true...

I remembered my daughter and you get a 10 for this!

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Chinedu Dike 03 June 2015

Beautiful piece of poetry, well articulated and insightfully penned with conviction. A lovely analogy drawn to drive home the point. I like the rhyme scheme of the poem. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON. ➕9

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Valsa George 28 June 2015

“Would you stay clinging, to my roots? Or courageously start your own shoots? A very sensible question asked by the mother to the daughter! Yes, each child has to go out of the sequestered safety of home to the turbulent wider world as the home is only an interim haven! But the children should be taught at the same time not to forget their roots! A poem expressing the type of attitude, children should develop in life!

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Beautiful and symbolist a poem

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Vishal Wadhwa 22 June 2015

The poem is very artistic and has pure emotions and care of a mother..

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Suresh Kumar Ek 03 September 2020

one in a million smile poetry

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Geetha Jayakumar 02 August 2016

Beautiful poem singing One In A Million from beginning till end. Inspiring write to daughter. Loved reading it.

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 December 2015

Growth! With the muse of life. Nice work.

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Maria Gonzalez 26 October 2015

Beautiful words rood and fantastic imagery. I love the motivation in this poem. Thank you Roop

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Dr Antony Theodore 07 October 2015

“Would you stay clinging, to my roots? Or courageously start your own shoots? “Would you be a Dandylion? Or dare to be - One in a million! oday! I've grown, Solid and Strong; Successful! I stand –Complete. Beautiful images, plants, flowers, new shoots solid and strong, an evolution which helps her to be herself in this world of dependence. a wonderful mother who understands and helps her to be what she is destined to be. a very nice poem. thank you Rooopa

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