One More Life Poem by Ashish Ram

One More Life

Rating: 5.0

It’s been a year since you died
Hurt is still there but the tears now have dried
When you were alive, I kept troubling you
You were honest and true but I had a different view
I kept suspecting you for no particular reason
You endured my trouble in every season
It was all out of possessiveness and not because of hate
When I realized that the trouble was too much, it was too late
Thought our relationship would be for life-long
Fate had different plans and it proved me wrong
You left me alone to teach me the meaning of love
I have learnt it and I will not trouble you again, I vow
But it’s too late now to say anything
As with your departure, I have lost everything
I’ll have to wait for one more life
Till then, gods, would you take care of my first wife? ?

Anjana Aravind 07 August 2006

This is very sad. Nice poem Anjana

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David Darbyshire 07 August 2006

nice but sad, ahhhh good read dave

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Patricia Gale 07 August 2006

Sadness for things left undone. A lesson for us all. A write from the heart.

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