Only For Brave Vinhie Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Only For Brave Vinhie

Rating: 5.0

Only for brave Vinhie

all these days have been very hot
you helped your lovely mother a very lot

the best working together in your cozy home
among other things
pay attention to enough water in your cute dome

and all the greenery in and around the house
you have full of greenery on your wall

the whole wall
different shades of green and very big and tall

grandma is sure you can read this verse
specially composed for you
though it's not very short

you may read this once,
twice and thrice,
you'll get wiser at any price,

though your age gran can count still on one hand
with God's Blessing, you will live till the very end

Granny Syl
Wednesday 7 September 2022

Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: God,Blessing,verse
it is in the DNA, our DNA, as a kid I can read when 3 years old and so did Vinhie's Dad and now Vinhie himself. Vinhie rides a bike since he was 2 years old. I can only tell you that as a gran I am very proud of Vinhie, he can do almost all things himself. The most problematic situations, he will understand when we explain those situations to him, I never boast with my sons, I am only very proud of them and now of Vinhie. This poem is a must from my inner soul, God keeps me whole and poetry. Thank you for reading, best regrads Sylvia
Bri Edwards 12 September 2022

Good boy! Re your Poet's Notes: YES, be careful how often, where, and of what you boast; things can change from day to day.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 September 2022

I am so happy for you! Your Vinhie, is getting wiser and wiser everyday. Yes, he really got your DNA. I can see the full greenery on his wall painted with the favorite color of grandma. A well crafted and expressed poem. Top Marks! !

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 September 2022

A very heartfelt poem so tenderly and lovingly penned for a wonderful and brilliant grandson. Loved reading, my friend.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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