Out Of Body Experience Poem by Prabir Gayen

Out Of Body Experience

Rating: 5.0

Out of body experience

As far as I look the vast desert,
The forest of life crushed with draught,
the music of birds is lost,
Life is not rooted to ground,
Dark night is visible with dismal dream,
rivers are flowing with no water and
rain is falling on the sky,
With blank eyes the blank is seen,
The crowd and cries with quarrel
of innocent people,
the heart of Life's essential engagement
are lost in space,
the warmth of heart dies,
Life is now a vain rumination,
The green field is more green,
The trees are making the old sound,
Only the visitors are not present,
The forest has lost its forestry,
People are living and living is lost,
I am with my old spirit restless,
Life is gone and death is sleeping,
Only in-between I am awake to groan
to remember my golden pain,
Within home I am homeless,
Within the world I am a stranger,
New is not new Just a monotony,
Life is an empty house with broken toys,
a pond with no frogs, an ocean without ripples
violent or soft,
Walking and walking and walking
Knowing not where to move and march,
rest is no more and night is full of nightmare
and peculiar unrest,
Touching the peak I soar high above,
The sky is blue and unknown the tune,
the sound of cracking nuts and the quake or
floodreach not,
I am out of my body and body is lost,
Within the corporal frame I am not caged,
uprooted from the root.
The waves from unknown shore,
The light from dark world washed me of myself,
Living as a non-living being I am a foreigner
to my body mind and being,
Birds are twittering, waves are moving
with chaotic sound
and clouds are floating around
in the sky of my heart and my mind
hollow and empty,
Like a reed I am without music.


Out Of Body Experience
Monday, July 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Life and death
Darwin Henry Beuning 15 July 2019

Prabir, very nice! nice read.. Photo adds to the poem. I rate a 10.

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Kostas Lagos 15 July 2019

A poem of rare beauty!

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C F 15 July 2019

Transcendental state - nicely written. and clouds are floating around in the sky of my heart and my mind hollow and empty,

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Michael Walker 21 July 2019

While I have never had an out-of-body experience, your dazzling poem shows me clearly what it could be like. Your imagination is running free, getting every reader's attention.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 16 July 2019

Simply Magnificent, Prabir...10+++++

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 July 2019

A wonderful and one of a kind write that takes us to the realm of nothingness. Poignant yet beautiful poem. Superb imagery.

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Rajnish Manga 15 July 2019

(2) Out of body (or for that matter 'out of this world') experience is a figurative way of expressing one's feelings. The concept of astral travel is there but cannot be substantiated. Thanks for this philosophical piece.

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Rajnish Manga 15 July 2019

The forest of life crushed with drought, rivers are flowing with no water and Life is gone and death is sleeping I am a foreigner... to my body mind and being chaotic... hollow and empty.... //.... With this kind of portrayal, life can only be seen as a burden or a torture and not a blessing of the God Almighty.

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