Pain Liquefied Poem by Valsa George

Pain Liquefied

Rating: 4.8

As a molten drop of wax
runs down
from a dying candle,
a single drop of tear
left her eye's boundary
making its way down
and fell down without a sound,
crashing into pieces!

The denouement of a sad life!

Like pulverized shards of glass
it tore into his flesh
causing haemorrhage
somewhere deep inside his skull

Pain Liquefied
Friday, September 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: pain
Rajnish Manga 08 September 2017

crashing into pieces! The denouement of a sad life! It is with utmost sensitivity that you have treated the subject. Sometimes, the mental pressure building up inside a man goes beyond his control which proves fatal for him. Thanks for sharing the poem, Valsa ji.

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Valsa George 09 September 2017

Yes, I wanted this poem to be precisely sharp and intense! The pressure building inside one has to be left out at least in the form of a tear! Perhaps it is the final expression of a soul's long suppressed feelings of agony! Thank you sir for your empathetic read and analytical comment!

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Sandra Feldman 08 September 2017

The destructive power of moral pain is unlimited. Here you have been able, thru your inspired words to transmit an earthquake of feelings thru a single tear. Your metaphors and similes, vivid and fantastically good. Like pulverized shards of glass it tore into his flesh... Truly amazing! The whole poem is truly Amazing!

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Valsa George 09 September 2017

Thank you so much Sandra for this wonderful comment........! When one can no more contain the pain, however hard one tries to hide it, it might manifest in the form of a tear! Such a drop of tear can cause a tsunami of grief in another, standing helpless!

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Khairul Ahsan 21 April 2018

An excellent poem with an appropriate title and graphic. The language is above par. 'The denouement of a sad life! ' - what a befitting line in the middle, superbly placed just before the concluding stanza!

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Loke Kok Yee 12 January 2018

I am not going to rant and rave like Bri, what I read is the tears of a loved one crying will pain your heart. Thanks Valsa.

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2017

just to clarify: i understand that the tear made 'no sound' UNTIL it hit the............whatever it hit. the poem leaves enough 'to the imagination' of readers who like to 'read into things'. bri :)

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2017

HEY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I was NOT done with my comment, .......but it thought i was done and it submitted itself! ! let me repeat what was sent and finish it up this time............ from Google [thanks, Google]: 'de•noue•ment ˌdāno͞oˈmäN/ noun noun: denouement; plural noun: denouements; noun: dénouement; plural noun: dénouements the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. synonyms: finale, final scene, epilogue, coda, end, ending, finish, close; More culmination, climax, conclusion, resolution, solution the film's denouement antonyms: beginning the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear. I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement synonyms: outcome, upshot, consequence, result, end; informal payoff the debate had an unexpected denouement antonyms: origin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i like the move from “without a sound” to “crashing”***. i normally would think of crashing as making a loud sound. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - while searching for a definition of the VERB …. [[interruption]] Now, continued: I found these definitions of “crashing” as an adjective; I thought they are new to me: “crashing adjective crash•ing \ ˈkra-shiŋ \ Definition of crashing 1: utter, absolute • a crashing bore 2: superlative • a crashing effect — crashingly play \ˈkra-shiŋ-lē\ adverb First Known Use: 1924 BUT THIS IS WHAT I WANTED TO SEE: “crash play verb \ ˈkrash \ • Definition of crash transitive verb 1 a: to break violently and noisily: smash b: to damage (an airplane) in landing 2 a: to cause to make a loud noise • crash the cymbals together b: to force (one's way) through with loud crashing noises 3: to enter or attend without invitation or without paying • crash the party 4: to move toward aggressively (as in fighting for a rebound) • basketball players crashing the boards 5: to cause (a computer system, component, or program) to crash intransitive verb 1 a: to break or go to pieces with or as if with violence and noise b: to fall, land, or hit with destructive force c: to decline suddenly and steeply d of a computer system, component, or program: to suffer a sudden major failure usually with attendant loss of data 2: to make a smashing noise • thunder crashing overhead 3: to move or force one's way with or as if with a crash • crashes into the room 4 slang: to experience the aftereffects (such as lethargy or depression) of a usually prolonged episode of drug use (as of amphetamines) 5 slang: to go to bed or fall asleep; also: to reside temporarily: stay • crashing with friends for a few days — crasher noun SO, unless a bystander is deaf, she/he would normally hear a tear crashing. Heh-heh. :) Ok, I like the poem. Now to see if I can make fun of its words, since the other comments are so serious! On second thought, I don’t have the inspiration today, and maybe it would not be apropos? [[“Definition of apropos : being both relevant and opportune • apropos comments First Known Use: 1686” ]] Bri :)

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2017

from Google [thanks, Google]: 'de·noue·ment ˌdāno͞oˈmäN/ noun noun: denouement; plural noun: denouements; noun: dénouement; plural noun: dénouements the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. synonyms: finale, final scene, epilogue, coda, end, ending, finish, close; More culmination, climax, conclusion, resolution, solution the film's denouement antonyms: beginning the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear. I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement synonyms: outcome, upshot, consequence, result, end; informalpayoff the debate had an unexpected denouement antonyms: origin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i like the move from without a sound to crashing***. i normally would think of crashing as making a loud sound. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - while searching for a definition of the VERB

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Valsa George 10 October 2017

Hmm.....! Thank you soooooo much Bri for sparing so much of your precious time on my humble lines! I also greatly appreciate your effort at enlightening me with the nuances and shades of meaning of some of the words used. Your patience and interest at learning the subtle shades of meaning of words are beyond compare! Thank you once again!

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