Parental Magic Poem by Jim Yerman

Parental Magic

When he was young and the fear he'd dream of monsters filled his mind with dread
his mom made him a Dreamcatcher and hung it above his bed.

"Whenever you start to dream, " she said. "That's when this Dreamcatcher's work begins…it catches all your bad dreams and only let's the good ones in."

That Dreamcatcher worked like magic!
From that moment all his dreams were sweet and all his nights were calm….
and he often wondered…was the magic in the Dreamcatcher…
or was the magic in his mom?

When she was young…waking up Saturday mornings…
she felt excited…happy…blessed…
Her dad would make her pancakes….
In any size, or shape or color she'd request.

Her dad was an artist…a magician with the batter…
whatever she could dream up…he'd create…
and she couldn't wait til he was finished to see the magic on her plate.

When she thinks back to those Saturday mornings…
to the best pancakes she ever had…
she often wonders…was the magic in those pancakes…
or was the magic in her dad?

Isn't it amazing how often the simplest act a parent does…
be it bad dreams they are catching…
or pancake wishes they are granting….
can charm their child's sleep at night…
and make their morning so enchanting.

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