Part ' C ' Of August 2017's Showcase....[ Poems #25-#34; I Have Used ' Copying And Pasting' To Take These Ten Poems Out Of The Very Long Showcase] Poem by Bri Edwards

Part ' C ' Of August 2017's Showcase....[ Poems #25-#34; I Have Used ' Copying And Pasting' To Take These Ten Poems Out Of The Very Long Showcase]

Rating: 3.0

FRIENDS: as my time and energy allows, i plan to produce a Part A, Part B, and Part D to go along with this Part C [which i called 'Part B' for a while].
Then all the 'parts' will add up to the original VERY LONG showcase, but you will have to open up each part separately; they will be in my list of poems as FOUR 'new' POEMS.

BRI ;)

**** HOW TO MAKE A COMPLETE LINK TO GET TO A POEM'S PAGE? ? : see my Poet's Notes!


25 - Jojoba Mansell (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/the-frogs-went-to-war-a-poem-for-children/


The Frogs Went To War (A Poem For Children)

There's fighting in the duck pond,
the frogs have gone to war!
They're punching toads and kicking newts,
they're out to settle an old score.

'These lilly pads are ours! '
Screams a gigantic froggy brute.
Then he hops into the reed bed,
then starts beating up a newt.

'Stop this, it is madness! '
Shout the old grey geese.
But the frogs just ignore them,
they're waging war, not peace.

They're hopping past the bulrush,
they have just slapped mother swan.
Their battle cry is 'Ribbit! '
And still they're marching on!

'Enough! ' Shouts the heron,
'This really has to stop! '
He bares his beak, his frog eating beak,
then not one frog dares hop.

The heron has them fleeing,
the frogs hop off in retreat.
They're apologising frantically,
knowing they're what heron likes to eat!

Topic: none given

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26 - Patti Masterman (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/a-word-salad-sprouts-in-my-brain/


A Word Salad Sprouts In My Brain

A word salad sprouts in my brain, over and over:
Televisions and radios playing loudly, just till you find
By a single glance, they are not really turned on at all.

The commericals and talking, the songs and laughter
Are not really there, and the steps out in the garage
Belong to nobody, that's walking there.

Voices argue inside my head, but it's no one;
It's just the busy mind, ever wanting to define
The stray neurons that fire, into something
That once upon a time was recognizable.

Or perhaps it is all just a tape recording, replaying
Everything over the years; but who can tell
Where the microphone switch was tripped, or why?

And happy it is to realize, after so many years
That these sprouts could never grow into a real plant.

Topic: none given

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27 - Brian Mayo (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/confessions-of-the-pope/


Confessions Of The Pope

From the Desk of Pope Francis

To whom it may concern:

I understand many Catholics are shocked and outraged by my recent revelation.
Yes, it's true- -when I was a young priest back in Argentina, I reached into an open casket and pried the rosary from a fellow priest's cold, lifeless hand. Listen, I know that sounds bad, but in my defense, I only had to use a LITTLE force; it's not like he had it in a death-grip, or anything.

Look, I'm a human being, no different than you. I put on my robe one sleeve at a time- -just like everyone else (unless I'm in a hurry) . It's important that folks don't put me on a pedestal. I want to be seen as a regular Joe. You didn't see Jesus going around acting all high and mighty and dammit, I won't either!

Okay, stealing the rosary was bad, I'll admit, but Hell, I've done a lot worse. I've swiped all sorts of stuff: jewel-encrusted chalices, candlesticks- -I've even stolen a few cars!

Man, it feels good to get this off my chest! I probably should've confessed all this to someone YEARS ago! Let's see… what else? Oh yeah- -I pushed an old lady down and snatched her purse two days after completing Divinity School. Don't be alarmed! She wasn't hurt. And I barely got away with enough for a six-pack of Michelob and a tin of cigarettes. A pretty measly haul, I think you'll agree!

Things improved for me a bit later. I realized I could sew enormous, hidden pockets inside my frock, enabling me to pilfer just about anything I wanted. I once used this method to conceal ten cassette tapes, a bong, and a rolled-up poster of Jimi Hendrix- -I strolled right out of Spencer's Gifts- -no one noticed a damn thing!

Look, I don't have to steal anymore- -I finally have enough. Please don't worry about any of the Vatican treasures by which I find myself surrounded. I'm not even tempted… Besides, half this stuff could go missing tomorrow and I doubt any one would even notice…

Pope Francis

(for life, chumps)

Topic: religion

Bri's note: i did NOT write this one. but i wish i had!


28 - Rod Mendieta (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/raining-marbles/

title: Raining Marbles

Topics: belief, warning


29 - Stuart Munro (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/twenty-ways-to-stay/

title: Twenty Ways To Stay

Topic: nonsense


30 - Madathil Rajendran Nair (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/jasmine-bud/

title: Jasmine Bud

Topic(s) of this poem: dream

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31 - Sk. Nurul Huda (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/my-self-killing-love/


My Self-Killing Love

You stealthily killed me to give me a sound life
While I could not prevent your poisoned knife,
You to put me on the thorny throne of Macbeth;
I am pricked I am going to kill your fertile faith.

You know my wave was of high hertz to heal them
To resonance with me you give the excuses lame,
You compelled me to compromise to be in your loves pub-
For the ethereal reduction leaving the decrepit children's hub.

Your unedited, blind love was a pilgrim's offering to me no doubt
You failed to hear their crying and for them my heart's silent-shout.

Topics: children, conflict

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32 - Kassem Oude (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/lora-colon-poet/


Lora Colon: Poet

Dear Loraine you've musical name
In poetry world you have fame
Your sheer love's honest for the one
Entices me like warm rays of sun

Light verses easy clear like your soul
Why you've not attained your goal?
You swim in loneliness sea and sorrow
You pass nights aching till morrow

If I were near your around
I would become friend and a mate
Our souls could gather on same ground
I would be the good one, but too late

Your shadow roams in my space
I connect with you through your breath
Which blows scent breeze on my face
And makes my heart full of mirth

I would kiss you by big heart
And hug you through ocean waves
I hope my words fill a part
Of your garden as I crave.

(Tuesday 9 September 2014)

Topic: happiness

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33 - Lyn Paul (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/so-lucky/

text: [it's a little long for the showcase, but you ARE SO LUCKY! ]

So Lucky

I feel so Lucky...

For so many things
Have not be so good
But I am blessed
To feel so Lucky

Windows have opened
Then suddenly slammed shut
But blessed I am
For being so Lucky

Teardrops have fallen
On the roadside
I've come out standing
I've come out alive
For that I am so Lucky

The bodies mechanics
May be failing
Though heavy tuning
That I do
To wake each day for that sunrise
Sure makes me feel
So Lucky

Rain may fall
We see victims of sadness
We must see
To be forever grateful
Just to be alive
Healthy and free
Spared to be So Lucky

I've polished many coffins
Smiled and said goodbye
Walked gracefully with the music
Proud to be So Lucky
So Lucky
To be alive

(Copyright Reserved September 6th 2015)

TopicS: believe, flowers, freedom, funeral, hope, life and death, luck


34 - Alice Perfect (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/this-evil-bag-of-chips/


This Evil Bag Of Chips

You evil bag so plump and full, my bane,
you nasty slut, your walls I'll drain.

How long do you think this tease will last?
I'll pick you up, and on my table, you, I'll cast.
Tearing away, your cover, I'll get right to your flesh,
I grab you, nibble you, stuff you in my mouth, so fresh!
I can't touch you a bit and then walk away,
Your entirety I must have now, your allness I will slay.
There are other options, better off I would always be,
leaving you on the store shelf, lonely for eternity.

Topics: food, lust


bri ;)


sorry for the inconvenience. i hope this ' Part C ' will show that, with a little extra work on my/your part, the huge original August 2017 showcase may be copied piece by piece and pasted onto separate 'pages' to view without so much darn scrolling! !

bri :)

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**** To make the partial link into a complete link to a poem's page, 'simply' ADD IN FRONT OF THE PARTIAL LINK the following FOUR (4) parts....[[which PH does not allow to be linked together in a poem; each showcase IS technically one big poem]]....: [it even now seems they make it difficult/not allowed perhaps to link these four parts for you even in a Poet's Notes. : (: (

1 - www


2 -.poem


3 - hunter.


4 - com

Well it is NOT so simple because PH is not allowing me to tell you an easier way! ! ! i did leave a simpler explanation in my Poet's Notes to
Part A, i think.

CAUTION! do NOT leave any spaces between the parts of the complete link and use the partial link exactly as it is typed out in the showcase list of poems! ! ! !

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PH member/friend Brian Johnston says he has more advanced technology which allows him to scroll though a long page almost effortlessly, without even touching a 'mouse'!

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******** i just 'discovered' a MUCH EASIER/faster WAY TO SCROLL DOWN (MAYBE UP AS WELL) when i am editing a showcase, which now usually involves adding poems to what had already been submitted by me.


if i HIGHLIGHT the text WHILE SCROLLING DOWN, down, down, (putting a blue background behind it) as if i were going to delete the text, BUT...instead of deleting i click near the highlighted text to make
the HIGHLIGHTING (aka blue background) go away, i end up with the un-highlighted text i wanted to work with. bingo! !
Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success