Pieces We Need To Stitch Together Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Pieces We Need To Stitch Together

Rating: 5.0

Ukraine, February 2022
In these times of calumny
It is a luxury to be alive.
The human mind
Like our world
shred into pieces,
We need to
Stitch together.

What we have seen since on Thursday is the unilateral attack and invasion of a sovereign democratic nation, which is smaller in size and weaker in military power and economic strength by a stronger dictatorship. But, the so-called democracies chose to offer just lip-service. The largest democracy in the world, that (I bow my head in shame to say this) is where I belong to, has not cared to even condemn the dastardly act of the Russian dictator. Everybody has an axe to grind. The sanctions announced by the west cannot have any immediate effect on Russia's designs, as that autocracy is economically and militarily strong, having drawn upon the blood for decades, of all the erstwhile parts of USSR, but never gave back anything. We do not have to look elsewhere for the reasons of the break up of USSR.
David Wood 26 February 2022

You are right Unnikrishnan, but the Ukraine will be no push over. I don't think Putin can win it.

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Rebecca Navarre 27 February 2022

Ever such a powerful and heart moving poem! .. So heart touchingly expressed! .. Excellent title! .. Beyond #ing! ..++++++

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Unnikrishnan E S 28 February 2022

Hi Becca, I am so happy to read your comments. The way you approach my poe, nobody does. So grateful.

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 27 February 2022

We are selective in our choices and does what suits us. Humans are humans irrespective of any other thing (Caste, creed, colour, region and religion)

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 27 February 2022

We all should condemn the killings of innocents be it in Iraq, Afghan, Syria or Ukraine but, sorry to say world is biased.

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 February 2022

Wherever, war is a crime on the common man. To be despised. The armies should be dismantled and men to be sent to the agricultural fields, so that they make more food, not graves..

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 February 2022

Afghan, Syria, Ukraine are the present realities. Tibet, Bangladesh, Crimea, Vietnam, Korea are the past.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 27 February 2022

I detest Wars. Hope the world will not be shred to pieces. A poignant poem.......10

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 February 2022

War brings nothing positive, nothing of worth to the humanity. It only vitiates the peaceful life. And bolsters the false pride of the dictators.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 26 February 2022

Typo: a pressing urge

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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