Please Do Not Turn Away. Poem by willow moon pearce

Please Do Not Turn Away.

Rating: 4.8

Again, the newspapers are full off
More intense war crimes.
Most of which will not see any justice.
Their actions and atrocities when read from the newspaper or internet
Or photographed, are enough to make a person very angry and

Our trusted allies have made a huge mistake in their invasion of Iraq
What would have happened if their national produce had been cauliflowers?
(and not oil)
The detention camps arranged to make the prisoners embarassed and humiliated have a touch of the Russian gulag.

Who remembers My Lai and the careful cover up?
The young kids shot by the military in Ohio.
Did anybody get into trouble for murder?
Not even a monument or marker.
We know these things happen in war.

Bring back the kids before they are permanently and socially damaged.

David Tanguay 17 November 2006

Willow, I had been back from Vietnam less than a year when those kids at Kent State were killed, by our national guard. Those were bad times, when are these people who say they protect us going to learn? I thought after Nixon's fall things were looking better, but now it seems to be getting worst. Do you or does any mortal being have the answers? I believe Bush must be going to the wrong church if his church justifies what he is doing.

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