Positive Thinking Poem by Samarah Essler

Positive Thinking

You shouldn't rely on others, cause sometimes in life the one you rely on the most won't be their, then your all alone and miserable, you were so use to relying on that some one, that when your alone you torture yourself by thinking you can't make it through life without that some one their, and thats not a healthy way to live. It could also possibly make you sick in the end. You are your own person, you are always with you, where ever you go, you have your own thoughts and ideas, and think, no matter what, you'll still always be their for youself in the end, even if you feel alone, think to yourself, your not really alone, you have you. Learn to think positive, learn to laugh more, learn to not have regrets, learn to be happy, learn about the good things in life, cause you do only have one life to live, and life is short, so live it to the fullest. You can't change what you've done in the past, you can only learn from what you've done, and be better in the present and future. Think of the good things in life that you have, and when you feel like you have nothing, just remember you will always have something. Push the pain away, whipe the tears away, pick yourself up when your down, switch bad and sad thoughts with good and happy thoughts. When time gets rough, pick yourself up, and turn things around, think of who loves you, think of whos their for you, think of your friends, or anything that makes you feel better. When you go to sleep at night, and you want to hold your loved one, but there not their, hold your dreams it will feel like there, their, hold yourself and and it will feel like your being held. No matter what, where ever you go in life, your not alone, some one out their is thinking of you, some one out their has you in their heart, think about that, when no ones around, you may actually feel like some one is. Forgive and forget, don't hold gruges, it won't help things. Love who makes you feel good, love who makes you feel speical, love who makes you feel wanted, love whos their for you, love who makes you feel love.
When things bring you down, think about some of the good things that come out of it, cause some times, their is something good that comes out of bad, or sad. When you feel like your changing, think good and the change will be good, when its hard to think good, do something that will make you feel good. Go for a walk, write, read, call up a old friend, workout, talk to some one, any little thing could possibely help, also putting your mind to it will help too. Life could be tough, life could be rough, but life could also be beautiful, and that could just be enough. Think about the good things in life that you've done. think about whos proud of you, think about who you made happy, think about who you've helped, think about your good deeds, and think about how it all makes you feel, cause thinking about all the good things you've done, will make you feel good and real. Being away from your love is tough, but being away from your love also will make you tough, think about these three things and it may help, one, you will have learned somethings from it, two, it will make you stronger, and three, you will love eachother more. Theirs alot of ways to go in life, its better to think before you take a turn, cause sometimes you might end up where you want and should be, and happy, or sometimes you might end up lost, or sometimes you might end up at a dead end, or sometimes you might end up dead at the end. Search for good, not for bad, cause in the end only the good will help. Think up, think down, think right, think left, cause thinking alot, most times it will help. Let good and happy things open you, don't let bad and sad things close you. Never hide yourself, or your feelings, their may be some one their thats willing to try to help, or that could help. Try and face some of your fears, you can't always live lfe scared of certain things, and getting over some of your fears may even help you in life. Do something crazy, go bugy jumping, go sky diving, feel the rush of life. Letting loose once in a while isnt bad.

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