Puzzling Over Inspiration Poem by Daniel Brick

Puzzling Over Inspiration

Rating: 5.0

for Cigeng

What, dear Cigeng, inspires you to write
your poems? Is it the moon-madness of Li Po,
or the steady light descending over Tu Fu?
Does that dot of white light at the beginning
of night follow your movements, shyly at first,
ducking out of sight whenever you turn
to catch a glimpse, or pass a mirror, and look
deeply into its transparence for her swelling
presence. She never fails you! And when she rises
in the middle sky, a bright glowing orb,
you know you have been marked for her gift,
as single single ray or a steady stream.
Yes, the Light is yours!

I'm satisfied with that lunar hypothesis.
Whether it showers me all night or targets me
with one sharp blade of light, it is a sufficient
explanation. And by then - it's time to write.
But for you I think the Spirit of Poetry lingers
out of love for you. There is no drama. It is simply
the passage of time through space which carries
your thoughts and feelings for a spell as you select
the words which fit perfectly. Another poem is made,
another mystery lives within our ken, and we are grateful.

Sunday, January 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,poetry
Pamela Sinicrope 26 January 2017

Poetic inspiration is a bit of a mystery and I agree that Cigeng has been blessed with inspiration, talent, and the drive to continue to write.

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Cigeng Zhang 23 January 2017

Dear Daniel, you honored me with your kind poem. I am glad you mentioned Li Po, Tu Fu, whose influence in the poetry world has been great. True, they also influenced me a lot. From primary school, we learned to recite Tang poems. Now we write under the aura of the classical and modern poetic skies. “Yes, the light is yours”. Also, The light is ours. The joy of a poet is the free release from the heart. The most genuine feeling inspires the poet. Passion, goes to poem. The poets’ luck is they know how to convert the inspiration to a beautiful verse. Thank you so much for the poem on the theme of “inspiration” that is the basic source for writing.

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