Rahul Gandhi- Great-Grandson Of India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Rahul Gandhi- Great-Grandson Of India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru

India is where Rahul Gandhi was born
India is his home
India is his country
India is his abode of love
India should be his abode of justice
and not injustice;

Rahul's great grandfather Nehru loved India
his family has loved this nation for centuries
they have died for this nation -
Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi!
has any political leader or his generation
died for this nation?

India's history is written by Nehru
India reverberates with their political history
Father, grandmother,
mother, aunt, uncle,
all in the politics of our nation
stood tall and faced every onslaught
bravely, courageously!

Rahul's father, grandmother
laid their lives down
like soldiers for this country;
every minute would have been
so valuable to Rahul Gandhi
if his grandmother
was not shot dead
when he was just fourteen;

every day would have been
so precious to a child
if his father
was not brutally killed
by a suicide-bomber
when Rahul was just twenty.
Has India forgotten their sacrifices?

And now for a trivial statement
a 2 year - jail sentence
just for a generalized comment?
Can democracy in our India ever be suppressive?
Can justice in our nation ever be so dismissive?

If freedom of speech and expression
has boundaries and limits,
where will the voice of opinion hide
its observation, its revelation?

If the teacher says - all children are idiots
if the doctor says - all patients are insane
if the beggar says - all people are misers
or if a policeman says - all prisoners are thieves;
will the court convict the teacher, the doctor,
the beggar or the policeman?

Or was it time to put a crown of thorns
on Rahul's head when
Rahul has done no crime nor murder
Rahul has done no accident nor injury;
Rahul has done no burglary nor robbery
but Rahul has expressed his viewpoint
yet they convicted him for his opinion game.

Is this what he deserves
when it is his own great grand-father Nehru
who was involved to get Independence
for our country India
and introduce freedom and democracy
in our constitution?

Rahul Gandhi-  Great-Grandson Of India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru
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