Reasons To Write, The Truth, Maybe? Poem by Sandra Feldman

Reasons To Write, The Truth, Maybe?

No cover-ups, no labyrinth,
Can lead you straight to...?
I still don't know,
I search the Truth,
I must write,
To liberate my spirit,
To quench my fright,
From the insecure incense,
That permeated the air,
The World nonsense,
That makes me drown,
In my own despair.

I want to write,
Because I have to,
For me it's like fresh air,
My thoughts choke me,
They must come out,
Silence is cowardice,
I don't know how to live like this,
I must write, to balance my sanity
And to denounce so much that's not right,
And to calm my own continual doubts,
Is this really what it's all about?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: writing
Daniel Brick 17 July 2015

This is exactly the commitment we writers have to renew everyday - whether we are writing that day or not, because we are always writers. Your poem cites both personal and public uses of writing. On the personal side of things, writing keeps your emotions from spiraling into the negative regions of the mind. That's so important to guard against and your poem alerts us to that threat. Your opponents are nonsense, despair, doubts, but your process of writing continuouslythat's your escape route.

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Kelly Kurt 16 July 2015

There are probably as many reasons to write as there are people who write, but catharsis is a big one. Freeing the mind of the thoughts and burdening the paper with weight of the ink. Please keep writing!

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