Friendship Poem by Sandra Feldman


Rating: 4.7

Good friends are rare,
Especially those,
That really care,
Who keep you,
In their thoughts and heart,
And never let you fall apart.

Sunday, October 5, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
Sylvia Frances Chan 15 July 2019

Dearest Sandra, I will repeat here what I have responded in the few past: I regard my self very lucky to know your most beautiful poetry in gratitude, Sylvia...the constant poetry lover

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Sylvia Frances Chan 01 April 2019

Dear Sandra, Very true and touching vibration with loving care a greatest inspiration are all your poems fair and true I regard my self very lucky to know your most beautiful poetry in gratitude, Sylvia........................................................

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A short but significant story of true friendship. Well done my friend!

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Richard Wlodarski 29 November 2016

May such poetry inspire us to find a little friendship in every one we meet! Thank you, Sandra.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 15 November 2019

Dearest Sandra, I will repeat here my view I regard theself very blessed to know your most Beautiful Mind Friendship Is one kind, fondly Sylvia

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Tyler Cobb 15 July 2024

This is a great poem! Something that says alot to me because after the life altering injury I had. All of my friends turned on me and abandoned me!

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PREMKUMAR C N 26 November 2023

Short, simple and meaningful poem.Brilliant poetic touch of simplicity.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 July 2023

A most beautiful poem with great philosophy, an immortal poem. TOP Marks, dear Sandra.

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James Skylight 17 June 2023

Beautiful 😍

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Rob Lamberton 02 February 2023

…Emmanuel, our greatest friend, we can know the value of friendship. And we can share such valuable relationships with each other. Indeed a rare and priceless gift! !

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