21st Century Poem by Sandra Feldman

21st Century

Rating: 4.2

We speak to Robots on the phone,
And our Computers are our home
We really think we're not alone
But all of this lacks Human tone,
As our poor lives turn into stone.

Monday, November 18, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
Nany kind readers have read this poem and hopefully, like it.
So, I wanted to tell you that a Video was made based on it. You can see it on YouTube. Look for Sandra Feldman Poet and the title is
"21st Century Literature /Poem/ Sandra Feldman". Hope you like it too. Thank you for your kind attention, SF
Tyrone Gayle 18 September 2014

Bravo! I extremely enjoy this piece. Personally, the poem is a reflection of my daily love and hate relationship with technology.

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Rajnish Manga 23 August 2015

This is indeed an acerbic commentary on the present age and our life. All kinds of gadgets are at our service without human touch As our poor lives turn into stone. Thanks.

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Lubinda Lubinda 19 December 2014

Wow, awesome poem, i like the way you bring out the point that our lives revolve around technology nowadays!

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Franklin M Kline 24 September 2023

I like it.

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Sandra Feldman 24 September 2023

Thank you, glad you liked it!

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Michael Hopkins 09 January 2023

Insightful. Tech has not developed on its promises

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Sandra Feldman 24 September 2023

Just saw this. Never too late to say thank you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 02 July 2021

C) But I am grateful to God that we, you, me and the rest here on PH Poetry site are still human beings writing poetry and still updating them. Thank you so much, dearest Sandra for this wealth and richdom to add in our mind and hearts, Amen

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Sylvia Frances Chan 02 July 2021

B) Still a very important poem in our lifetime, since all that automatics are created in our era and truly human things and elements are not to find anymore.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 02 July 2021

A) I repeat what I have said, dearest Sandra: A Masterpiece is this created in 2013! ! I still mesmerize this gem and most valuable poem in our life, this is about The Becoming Of Non Humanity.

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