Refuge Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair


Rating: 4.5

At the end of the tiresome journey
I take refuge in you;
No sea turns away a river
No river can flow reverse:
Our souls are inseparable
Our bondage is unbreakable;
In case a scorching sun vaporises me
I will rise to the skies as clouds,
The chariot of wind will take me to the hills
Where I will rain and flow to you again.

Nothing can stop the union of soul and God
Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 April 2020

A powerful and marvelous poem that captures the union of soul and God. Great metaphors and superb imagery. A poetic gem.Onto my Poem List.

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Thank you very much dear poetess Rose Marie for the comments that hail go the heights of confidence and satisfaction. I really owe you much for considering the poem for your poem list

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Aniruddha Pathak 14 April 2020

Yes, non duality between the soul and the supreme soul or param atman is fine, but the soul can hope to meet Him after a great journey of evolution. Brilliantly penned.

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Thank you dear Sir, nothing can sever the relationship between the Atma and Paramat. The soul can join the God only after a long strenuous journey of many births. I owe you much for your efforts to reach the soul of the poem

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 14 April 2020

Life is a journey. But a journey of an 'Atma' towards 'Paramatma' requires great amount of effort, devotion and a continuous yet intense desire for 'Moksha'. A 'Mumukshu' is sure to reach his goal. Nothing in this world can stop the union. Parameswaran, dear poet, you have so beautifully penned this poem......10

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Thank you very much dear poetess Geeta Menon for the gleaming comment. Life journey can be interpreted in may ways by the viewers, but the right one like this carries away much appreciation. A mumukshi is always set on his target and his efforts will take him to the target.

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Valsa George 14 April 2020

Just as all the rivers join finally with the mighty sea, our souls will merge with the Universal Spirit at the end. Nothing can stop us on our way! The image of water vaporizing and turning into clouds to rain down as water and join the sea again and again is a lovely metaphor used here...!

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Thank yoy very much dear Valsa George. In the topic column of the poem I wanted to enter love, devotion and salvation. Unfortunately the option was not entertained. So in a fit of despair I let remain love.assigning the meaning love for God. However you have reached the right interpretation and my happiness is boundless. I owe you a special thanks for the comment on the metaphor too

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