Color of the truth is the best color
I just have colored myself with it
So nothing can cause on me blur
As, me it has well fitted;
Bless me You, Truth; enough
Forever I'll laugh.
Reza Syllabic Verse (Edited, Revised And Additional Version) :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 lines poem ─
Syllables meter: 10 in the 1st line,9 in the 2nd,8 in the 3rd,7 in the 4th,
6 in the 5th and 5 in the 6th line (10-9-8-7-6-5) ,
Syllables may be stressed or unstressed.
Rhyme scheme: iambic; ababcc; ababcd; abbacc; aabbcc
The aabbcc will be Heroic Reza syllabic Verse.
A simple refrain of 5th line may be as 6th line; if no refrain,
the 6th line will be an individual one.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 2 June, 2018
A great hymn on truth what does is really truth As Keates said, Beauty is truth truth beauty, ..... here he openly compared beauty to truth and truth to beauty, loved this great and outstanding one
I for one would like an explanation of the truth. It stands before us as a naked construct.10
As a reader i treat truth as open truth and it is always open, poeple lacking of knowledge sometimes misunderstand the truth, i just not mean you, poet
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This poem is a great composition on truth, loved