Dearest Josephine, I'm lost for you,
On this battle torn bloody sea,
The enemy ships are sunk but two,
But my mind not on victory.
I Napoleon wear my jacket red,
So the crew won't see my blood,
As I think of you a tear is shed,
Upon a red rose bud.
My one true love, my only prize,
Toward you this helm I steer,
The dusk conceals my redding eyes,
The sea spray hides my tear.
I grasp your love letters to my chest,
Pressing them close to my heart,
You'll hold my cheek soon to your breast,
And never again we'll part.
My Galleon creaks at speed to France,
Where I know you wait forlorn,
Our hearts to clash in wild romance,
As we make love 'till the morn',
Within my hand a red rose dark,
As blood trickles down my chest,
In the throws of love 'twill leave a mark,
A petal stain upon your breast.
My periscope scans the distant shore,
For a glimpse of my soulmate,
To kneel and kiss your hand once more,
My lips can hardly wait.
I see you now in petals strewn,
The sea wind blowing your hair,
Your face shines 'neath the Autumn moon,
My dear, I'm almost there.
Brilliant write of the famous love story of Napoleon and Josephine so beautifully written with panache!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I am mad about Love Stories, especially this betwixt Nap and Jo, excellentl creation, dear Mizzy, huge Stars for you!