Four Seasons.... One Love. Poem by Mizzy ........

Four Seasons.... One Love.

Rating: 4.8

In a sharp fresh breeze,
On a crisp Spring day,
Hand in hand in verdure stroll,
Under lush chirping trees,
Among flowering buds stray,
New birth, and new love to extol.

On a balmy Summer's eve,
When the butterflies dance,
In the meadow we fell warm and unseen,
Soft kisses to thieve,
In mesmeric love trance,
Garments lost in the trampled green.

Gold Autumnal mornings,
Of yellow ripened corn,
Flowing like the amber of your hair,
I loved you all those dawnings,
As the leaves fell forlorn,
Your puckered lips an answer to prayer.

Icy moonlit nights,
Frostbitten fingertips,
From Winter's penetrating chill,
'Neath mystic starlights,
We tasted freezing lips,
Seasons pass, ....but I love you still!

Four Seasons.... One Love.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Edward Kofi Louis 09 September 2016

We tasted freezing lips! Nice work.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 03 April 2017

Sharp beautiful breeze of every season is worthy. In mesmeric love trance we realize truth of seasonal flow. Very nicely penned beautiful poem is shared here...10

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Mihaela Pirjol 21 September 2016

A portrait of the endurance of love through each season, vividly and vibrantly capturing their uniqueness in beautiful poetic imagery. A lovely and luminous write.

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Mizzy ........ 22 September 2016

Cheers Mihaela.....Thank you!

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Dr Pintu Mahakul 11 September 2016

In spring day we feel fresh breeze. This poem is interesting of course. Icy moon light nights are too very special. Interesting poem....10

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Mizzy ........ 11 September 2016

Thank you Pintu.

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Hazel Durham 10 September 2016

The beauty of each season is vividly remembered with the beauty of your passion for your beloved, as each season has given birth to your power of deep emotions and true love. The passing of time has no relevance because of the constant bloom of your love in all seasons of two hearts entwined in the sunshine of eternal heartbeats dancing to nature's changing tune. Stunning write!

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Mizzy ........ 10 September 2016

Very grateful Hazel for your special comments...Many thanks dear! !

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Anil Kumar Panda 09 September 2016

A beautiful love poem that touches the heart. Nice flow and rhyming. Thanks for sharing.

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Mizzy ........ 09 September 2016

Many thanks for your kind comment Anil....

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