Sleepers, Seekers, Or Dancers Poem by Bill Galvin

Sleepers, Seekers, Or Dancers

God will help quiet us down if we ask it;
But also will keep us from being too still, too long.

We’re always seeking Life’s answers,
Even when we’re not, we think.
We can be sleepers, seekers, or dancers;
But nothing can make us drink,
When we find fresh water springing from the hill,
For we still always have free will.
We may distrust in the knowing, in the showing;
And in case we ignore what we sought…
Well, surely, the waters do keep on flowing,
Whether we dip our hand in to refresh, or not.

Sleepers, seekers, or dancers…

And the dance we do may be new to us,
Or it may from an ancient past;
It may be slow, medium-paced, or fast;
It may need a big room with space,
Or be only just like standing in place;
It may display trepidation or trust;
It may show a little bit of rust;
It can be pensive or full of glee;
It can be solitary or accompanied;
Whatever this dance may be,
It shall be who we are…
After sleeping and waking;
After seeking and finding
Where we are in this time, this place of knowing,
And after opening to answers that we’ve sought;
Because, surely, the waters do keep on flowing,
Whether we dip our hand in to refresh, or not.


Monday, August 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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