Slow Poison Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Slow Poison

Rating: 5.0

Why are you giving me slow poison?
My friends! Why are you acting as a foe?
Kill me at once if you can.
I am dying in stages.
Every night when I go to my bed,
I think the proceeding dawn,
Is not for me.
Ahead of me is a lasting night,
a complete dark night,
no moon no stars,
and the Milky Way,
is closed for me,
And the blue sky,
having lost its soothing blue color,
has absorbed all the colors.
No color is reflected.
And the droplets are no more a prism.
The rainbow spectrum has ceased to be.
I am no more fertile,
Flowers don’t blossom,
no fruits, no crops,
Where is my green skirt?
you burnt it,
I am now naked,
Where is my umbrella made of ozone?
It’s torn and damaged.
My Sons! Aren’t you shy of incest?
My Sons! Will you bury me naked?
My sons! You cannot.
My Sons! You will be dead,
before I expire,
And my naked dead body,
Will orbit round the sun!
till me and my entire family,
will enter in a heavy and dense black hole!
Why did you develop a deadly civilization?
It’s increasing pollution.
It’s a slow poison for me!

Monday, August 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poison
Kumarmani Mahakul 24 August 2015

Why did you develop a deadly civilization? It’s increasing pollution. It’s a slow poison for me! ......So nicely envisioned. A great write really......10

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Bisma Mirza 24 August 2015

Once again great one........... the best! ! ! 10 on 10

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Muhammad Imtiyaz 24 August 2015

beautiful....reflecting your deep concern for the mother earth. Lovely

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Kelly Kurt 24 August 2015

Our fathers and theirs before them started this insanity. Our children are merely following suit. We must teach them better in any way we can; like your excellent poem. Peace

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Muhammad Imtiyaz 24 August 2015

beautiful...reflecting your deep concern for the mother earth...lovely

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