Small Is also Potent. Poem by Nabakishore Dash

Small Is also Potent.

Rating: 5.0

A small leak sinks a huge ship,
Small kindnesses, small courtesies,
small considerations habitually
practised in our social life
give a greater charm than
display of great feats.

A small point can bring
a big sentence to a halt.
A small chain can control
a large elephant.

Small drops make an ocean
and create heavy rain.
A small thunderbolt
can crush a large mountain.

A small drop of poison
can spoil a big pitcher of nectar.
A small virus can cause pandemic
to keep the world indoor in fear.

A tiny sperm and a tiny seed
give rise to a big animal and big tree.
Light from a small lamp
makes darkness flee.

Smile is a small curve in our lips
that solves big problems.
A small axe and it's small strokes
fell the oak tree to the bottom.

Small atom undergoing fission
generates enough energy.
Small amounts of enzymes and hormones control vital
reactions in our body.

In a woman's body
clitoris is only a tiny spot.
It is the most sensitive
external body part in sexual act.

Mitochondrion and ribosome
are small organelles of the cell.
The former is the power house
and the latter is the protein synthetic
apparatus, biologists know well.

A moment is very small
but a moment's error can
be the cause of sorrow
for the whole life.
Ants and bees are small insects,
But they are the greatest teachers
and the most eusocial to our surprise.

Tongue is only three inches long
but can kill a man six feet high
sans withdrawing a drop of blood.
It can create relationships with
strangers, destroy the same we loved.

All great successes in science
are the results accumulated by
many small experiments in the labs.
Smalls are therefore potent
when one sincerely probes.

Small is not be slighted and ignored.
LeeAnn Azzopardi 10 January 2023

Love the third stanza I thought it was beautiful

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 28 December 2022

A very insightful and perceptive write brilliantly crafted and narrated. Top score! !

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Nabakishore Dash 29 December 2022

My gratitude s to u Mam for your encouraging remark.

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