So Much Trust Has Faded Away Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

So Much Trust Has Faded Away

So much trust has faded away,
From a once rich and vast abundant sea...
You and I took for granted.
As we sailed along upon its greatness.

Now we face a stormy turbulance,
Of corruption and deceit!
No one thought could happen.
But it is!
And it is changing rapidly...
The reality,
Few if any are prepared to see.

The one at the helm,
Intentionally 'stayed the course'.
With a promise to 'shock and awe'
At any cost.
But suffer we the citizens...
At a price to pay at our loss.

And those who earned his confidence,
Tried to convince with lies...
A direction that led us to this dead end,
Would someday in our minds make sense.
But none of what has happened does!
Not even vacuous explanations...
That got us here surrounded by,
Exorbitant, excessive and total devastation!

So much trust has faded away,
From a once rich and vast abundant sea...
You and I took for granted.
As we sailed along upon its greatness.

And those who led us into this mess,
Will abandoned us with pensions to spend!
As we tried hard...
To keep whatever integrity we have left.

And even that is highly suspected.
By the few neighbors who can not believe...
So many allowed this destruction,
When apparently closed eyes...
And experienced minds,
Had been too drugged by greed to see!

Who can be blamed now...
For an evaporating patriotism!
When from the top...
The ball was dropped!

And punctured never again to return,
To a game played that required it...
To have significance and a respectable bounce!
Even the one now who is new and will lead...
Is expected to have a magic wand up his sleeve.

James Mclain 05 December 2008

Those who worked long and hard who only found out when they were laid off.

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