Somedays We Just Need A Love Poem Poem by Jim Yerman

Somedays We Just Need A Love Poem

She requested that he contemplate…
"What made you fall in love with me? "
He paused a moment to meditate
wondering how to make her see…

He thought about her smile,
About how he doesn't know the reason why
a walk along a moonlit beach
will sometimes make her cry.

He thought how he loved the way she talks…
her beauty and her brain.
How he never tires of watching her walk
in the sunlight or the rain.

He thought about how she loves birds and bees,
watching pelicans across the water soar,
how she loves the many colors of the trees…
He thought about these and so much more…

"Perhaps it's how we transcend space and time, " he said,
"or how I now understand my heart."
"Perhaps it's the way you make my universe rhyme
or that together we are better than we ever were apart."

"Why I fell in love with you…is hard to analyze."
"So difficult to say…"
because for so many different reasons
I fall in love with you every day.

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Bipasha D 15 February 2018

a marvelous write. Into my list of favorite poems

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