Sonnet 41: Now Looking After My Loves Daily Needs Poem by David Wood

Sonnet 41: Now Looking After My Loves Daily Needs

Rating: 4.8

Now looking after my loves daily needs
Makes for an easy glove for me to wear
Doing things for my love is sowing seeds
That brings forth sweet flowers for thee I bear.
My love is a delicate rose so sweet
That does flower in my life’s great garden,
Every time we kiss and each other greet
Cements our love and this love does harden.
But Love’s sweet flower does need constant care
It has to be watered for it to grow
Otherwise it will droop with age and wear
And Love’s tiredness will then surely show.
Love does need regular lubrication
A soothing and calming embrocation.

Paul Brookes 09 July 2013

Beautiful Indeed love needs to be fed and watered or like the roses will die 10/10 BB =: OD

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Joseph Anderson 09 July 2013

A mighty fine sonnet. You chose a fine subject matter to build on and did a great job. It warmed my tired old heart. A easy 10

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Vipins Puthooran 09 July 2013

Love does need regular lubrication A soothing and calming embrocation. It's very true! ! ! ! a great poem! ! !

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Lorraine Colon 09 July 2013

When you truly love someone, it's a joy and a pleasure doing things for them. Seeing their happiness is so gratifying. What a wonderful poem!

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Paul Brookes 09 July 2013

Very true love needs constant attention and watering like a garden or it will die.

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Dave Walker 09 July 2013

A beautiful poem that made me smile, I've called my partner my love for years, but with my Yorkshire accent it comes out, me love. A wonderful write.

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