In full moon sky
Under black veil
Round silver face
When winks at her beau, Ocean.
How howls he happily!
As a warrior wins the war,
Stretching his chest upward.
Such memorable moment
Makes him hum sweet strain,
Rousing waves play romance.
Again in new moon sky
Princess of night
When hides somewhere
Without bidding her paramour,
How cries he bitterly!
Like a stubborn child,
Hitting head along the shore.
Such pangs of separation
Perhaps make him mad,
Looks for lost love in the dark.
The high tide and low tide in the ocean have been invested with the excitement and fury of a lover on seeing his beloved and losing her.... Wonderful imagination.......! Enjoyed.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Excellent imagery in this poem.