Starke 'County, 'Florida' Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Starke 'County, 'Florida'

He was really fat and ugly wasn't he.
He did kill that young beautiful park Ranger
twenty five years ago
and how i need the ' Governors' help myself.
Will I ever be able to vote.
Never having much of a pool to draw upon.
My self too vote for.
His arms were huge
no doctor could do it' ethically'
though in secret a mouth will say any thing.
He was slipping in the polls.
Asking Rubio, we need to know now
does he like beef or will he feed us more Chicken.
I will be really pissed off if she my daughter,
grows breasts at age eight.
what are his numbers today and what will they be on....
and the formula for life is too give or take,
whats on the news will dictate.
The measure of your worth,
weight it out well.
When you see how big fat and ugly he is.
Did it make it easier to kill him.
He is a murderer, like those people whom
suck the babies out of the womb after all, right.
I wonder how much he eats, most of the other inmate pictures i see in 'Florida'
show how skinny the inmates/are they people?
Like # 057512
When it was one in four hundred fifty in prison
it was acceptably right and now it is about, what.
One in a hundred thirty, forty now.
One in fifty.
one in ten.
One in two.
Then all that is left, will be you.
Will he cry,
Did he beg for his life.
Do they shove cotton deep up inside his rectum.
like they did when they cook them.
how much cotton will it take.
My daughter will be seven in 'April'
what will I do if...
We are all the is why i need restraint..
from mine passions..perfect are you,
after all it's not personal.
Personally; I think it's easier when they are fat and ugly.
I need to loose forty pounds.
Poetry is preserving that fading photograph.
Turning Grey and then ash en..
To be watched over and over again.
Like milking that proverbial pretrial cow
While civilized nations, laugh at us beneath their breath.
While they read Charles Bukowski, eat cheese and bread
drink beer and fart.
Do you know what your child is doing, right now.
I forgot, you are normal.

16 Feb 2010

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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