Strictly Satire #1 Poem by Kewayne Wadley

Strictly Satire #1

And there he appeared in the office next to mine.
As soon as there was a sign of work, he found a way to
disappear without a trace. Originally from the building
across the way, he finds any excuse as his scapegoat.
His cheeks, match his stomach. More than slightly
Hanging over the belt of his slacks. His bushy mustache
Wild, unkempt. partially gray.
He walks down here with his faded shirt and faded ball cap.
Attempting to whisper, but can't hold water for the life of him.
If you ask him anything about the job he stammers badly.
Sending you to someone else. He has little to no job knowledge,
It works in his benefit, seeming that he is in a position of power.
His shoes make the most awkward sound. Stipes of gray, black,
with a little orange.
He makes every conversation odd. Often repeating himself
to compensate the dominance he can't maintain at home.
Often afflicted in thought he confuses whom his wife is.
A cheapskate. Very rarely raising his hand to attempt anything.
The sound of his voice irks me. That stammering, constantly repeating the
same thing. Over and over again.
He's that one coworker that makes constant mistakes, then shifts the blame
towards the first person that comes to mind.
Now that you mention it. I'm glad he isn't my crewleader

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: funny,satire,satirical,work
Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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