Sun And Moon Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Sun And Moon

Rating: 5.0

Sun you are reality and Moon you are dream
You burn my skin and you soothe my soul
You tauten days and you lighten nights
I see worries and In you I find solace

I need both Sun and Moon
Without you Sun I won’t get energy to enjoy life
Without you moon I would slog day and night
You both are integral part.

Sun you make me tough and courageous
Moon you prepare me for another day soothing my tensions
Sun you helps me enjoy luxury of moon
Moon you blossom my inner source to counter sun’s test.

Sun I see my shadow when you beat
Moon I see my reflection in eyes I meet

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: moon,sun
T Rajan Evol 07 December 2016

A brilliant comparison, Asimji 10

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Salman Sayeed 18 April 2016

Comparative between sun and moon its vary beautiful Thanks for aharing

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Darren Jkoeryo 27 November 2015

A worth reading comparison..Man

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 02 September 2015

A comparative poem, A good distinction between the sun and moon, I invite you to read my poem Voice Of An Unaccomplished Soul (on poet's Page)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 02 September 2015

A captivating comparision among sun and moon. So nicely drafted and aptly presented. Many thanks dear Nehal, may God increase your poetic thoughts.........10

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