Take Me There Poem by Kewayne Wadley

Take Me There

Rating: 3.5

And that's one good thing I can say,
If nothing else and probably the best quality.
It numbs the pain, leaving you open to a world of awe.
It presents a comfort zone, of being at ease. At anytime, any place.
Such a wonder thing. Your voice.
Becoming a remedy to all sorts of aches and pain.
That one helping hand that seemingly comes out of nowhere, your voice.
That warm invitation that gets you out of the house.
Often taking you to a place you've always passed but never thought to go in.
If only for a minute, your always glad you indulged in such invite.
Finding remedy to all sorts of pain and ache you forgot existed.
Your voice, becoming that feeling you get in your chest when everything just feels right.
That utter happiness that leaves you dimwitted and goofy as hell forgetting that anyone is watching.
It's brilliant. 
Often doing something you'd otherwise never do,
Being taken somewhere you never thought to go.
Even if it's a passing glance on the way there.
What's even better, is that it's your voice that takes me there

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: for her,her,infatuation ,love,voice
Anil Kumar Panda 05 January 2017

A beautiful poem on her voice that gives you much relief and happiness. Your mind follows the direction from where it comes. Nice poem.10++++

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Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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