Television Teeth Poem by Bri Edwards

Television Teeth

Rating: 5.0

For YEARS I had not turned a TV 'on' OR 'off'.
No, do NOT at my revelation of this fact scoff **!
It is NOT that there's been no TV at 'our' home...;
in fact there are 3 TVs! ! Ok, you CAN now moan.

But I am away from 'home' now, and 'by myself'.
I'm in a 'rental' for a month without my 'wife', my 'elf'.
There's 'just' 1 TV, but 'game shows' etc. lured me.
And THAT'S where I could not ignore 'perfect' teeth.

'TV Teeth' was what I came to call them before long.
I'm NOT finding fault with 'TV-T'. Don't get me wrong.
They DO 'look good', and may work better than mine.
I 'should' say: 'better than the teeth I now STILL can find'.

Cavities, broken teeth, & root canals have taken their toll.
[ A 'white cap' missing from a crown left me with a 'tooth, gold' ]
I've an 'overbite'. {{Older siblings had braces; I did NOT! }}
Candy (even at my childhood dental office) made teeth 'rot'.

MY 4th wife has said: 'You have ugly teeth.' I DO NOT care!
[ I'm the way I AM! I even, at times, put on dirty underwear. ]
Someday I may even have to puree {aka: liquefy ***} my food.

Oh! It's almost time to watch Jeopardy. Or is it Family Feud?

(September 29th? 2023)

bri edwards


** SCOFF: (verb) 'speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.'
An example of scoff's use: ' 'You, a scientist? ' he scoffed.'

*** LIQUEFY: another spelling of 'LIQUIFY': 'to make or become a liquid'

[[ Jeopardy & Family Feud are TV 'game shows'. ]]

Sunday, October 1, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: television,dentists,smile,health
I was 'forced' [[ by Poem-Hunter's restrictions on how to form a poem title ]] to use 'Television Teeth' when, at first, I typed 'TV Teeth' & PH changed my title to Tv Teeth.
Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

Ok, Ok, OK! ! ! I shall be the SECOND to comment! ! ! ! I think, Mr. Edwards, that you have done an OUTSTANDING JOB creating a masterpiece! ! ! ***** five stars. Your devoted Reader, bri ;)

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Bri Edwards 10 October 2023

OK! I'll be the 'first' to comment. Someone 'has to be' FIRST! ! ! ! : ) That a boy, Bri!

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success