Thank God I'm Free From Bureaucratic Tyrannies! Poem by DM W

Thank God I'm Free From Bureaucratic Tyrannies!

Rating: 5.0

All those bureaucrats and so called liberals;
All those who castrate creativity;
All those who desecrate the intellect;
All those connoisseurs of culture; all those
Guardians of 'Beauty' create obstacles
And unnecessary diversions. They manage
To pollute the clear waters of Truth.
They fawn over two bit celebrities;
Hyped actors and washed out comedians.
They wax lyrical about all kinds of
Obscure nonsense, while significant
Matters and issues always seem, somehow,
To elude them. Well... that is their problem.
Thank goodness, I have parted ways with them.
Now I can focus solely on my art
And I can dream big once again!

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: satire of social classes
Sylvia Frances Chan 06 October 2019

This excellent poem speaks nothing but The Truth! Absolutely I fully agree. I cite your precious line here: to pollute the clear waters of Truth. So important that there are poets like you! Thank you for sharing, Dominic. Brilliantly worded. A 10 Full Score for this amazing poem.

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Dominic Windram 06 October 2019

Thanks very much Sylvia...I'm so pleased that it spoke to you!

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Dominic Windram 06 October 2019

Thanks Mahtab! I'm pleased that you agree with my perspective on bureaucrats and their ilk.

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Mahtab Bangalee 06 October 2019

yeah; exactly right you are- They manage To pollute the clear waters of Truth. They fawn over two bit celebrities; .../// a true expression on satire of social classes

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Michael Hopkins 06 October 2019

Yes, they are truly a pathetic lot. They are not even good liars. I had my fill of them. I never had any dealing with them until I moved to Sweden. Now, I only had to deal with the fools in the Pension authority as my final act of suffering the fools. Hopeful, they do not mess up my payouts but alas I am the eternal optimist.

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Dominic Windram 06 October 2019

Thanks Michael..sorry to hear about your bad experiences with the powers that be. I've had some bad experiences with the H.M.R.C (Her Majesty's Revenues and Customs) call the fools who work there 'incompetent' would be to flatter them...they are truly unbelievable!

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